Combatting Littering with Customised Packaging
Combatting Littering with Customised Packaging

Littering is a load of rubbish. Here’s how you can kick it to the curb with the help of customised packaging.

It looks like things are getting back to normal, but if there’s one thing we don’t want to return to, it’s littering. 75% of people globally have admitted to littering in the last five years. While that might come as something of a surprise — given that people generally think that littering is a reprehensible act — Britains parks, beaches, streets, and countryside bear the evidence.

Littering costs local councils £700 million every year and can stigmatise your brand if your packaging is frequently littered, so what can your brand do to help people act more responsibly once they’re finished with their takeaways? 

What Are the Best Ways to Combat Littering?

Takeaway food and drink packaging dominate ocean plastic pollution. It can be upsetting to think that the customers you’re serving might not dispose of your takeaway packaging correctly, but it’s up to you to try and change their attitudes and behaviour and save the planet.

There are some amazing examples of anti-litter campaigns from around the world that have proven incredibly effective at reducing littering in various global communities. Here are some takeaway points you can use to counteract littering:

1. Promote Your Cause on Social Media

You might not want to go as far as calling out litterers on Instagram — even though it might make you go viral — but you can use your platform for good. Giving your followers a gentle reminder to take their litter to the right bin will benefit your business, the environment and your local community. 

2. Build the Right Bin-frastructure

Part of the reason people litter is because they can’t find — or sometimes, can’t be bothered to find — a suitable place to dispose of their rubbish. In a 2020 report by WRAP, bins set out by food and drink businesses significantly reduced litter at various entrances and exits to establishments, proving how much convenience plays a part in the responsible disposal of the rubbish.

With this in mind, try to make life that much easier for everyone and highlight your refuse areas. This will allow even the most “care-free” individuals to do the right thing and dispose of their waste responsibly. Not only will this help to reduce littering, but it’ll also boost recycling, helping your packaging go even further than before. 

3. Make It Fun

It’s a little bit cliché, but it genuinely works. Gamification — the act of taking elements from a typical game and repurposing them to enhance an otherwise mundane experience — has proven itself to be a creative and highly effective way to reduce littering. Placing waste bins at convenient locations is the first step, but giving your customers an added incentive to dispose of their rubbish responsibly adds another dimension to waste management. 

From Ballot Bins for cigarette buts to targets in bins in drive-through car parks, there are plenty of ways to make something as simple as waste disposal a memorable experience for customers and members of the public.

4. Lead By Example

Fast-food chains have some of the most heavily littered packagings out of all kinds of takeaway businesses, but KFC is to train all 28,000 of its UK staff to tackle litter. Local authorities had reported an increase in littering since the first national lockdown, spurring the global fast-food chain to respond with their own strategies to contain the problem. 

Similarly, you can help improve your community’s issues with litter through education. Our customisable packaging can include helpful information and compelling reasons to recycle alongside vibrant designs that will capture the imagination of your customers.

For some top-tier content, take some mouth-watering shots of your food and drinks products along with their recyclable or biodegradable packaging. Use these in conjunction with some anti-littering hashtags and politely remind people how your conveniently disposable takeaway packaging helps protect the environment.

Can Customised Packaging Help Reduce Littering?

Littering isn’t just an eyesore; it costs local governments millions of pounds to clean up the mess and has a seriously negative impact on the environment. Plastic waste kills 100 million marine animals every year, most of which could’ve been recycled if it had been disposed of properly. More education and better infrastructure are needed to help people take responsibility for their waste, but you can help make a difference with the way you use your packaging.

Using custom packaging can promote environmental awareness and help your customers create a better community. An eye-catching custom design can significantly benefit your business too. It’ll boost brand recognition and help you outcompete your rivals, allowing you to make your mark as an eco-conscious business that cares about your customers, the community and the planet.

Looking for a cost-effective way to clamp down on littering and boost your brand? Get in touch with our expert design team today via phone or email and get a free design quote.

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Takeaway Business More Eco-Friendly in 2021
3 Easy Ways to Make Your Takeaway Business More Eco-Friendly in 2021

There’s been a huge surge in demand for takeaways over the past year, so what can your business do to mitigate the environmental effects of increased business?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses within the food and drinks industry to think differently and embracing takeaways has proven a successful means of sustaining business. Now that the doors to pubs, restaurants and other outlets are opening once again, takeaways will remain a valuable income source.

But with increased demand and an ever-changing business landscape comes an array of challenges, from the supply of cardboard to food wastage, so how can you make your takeaway business more economically viable and eco-friendly in 2021?

How to Offer an Efficient Eco-Friendly Takeaway Service

There are several different aspects to consider if you’re planning on becoming a more eco-friendly and profitable business, from using eco-friendly packaging to changing your delivery services. 

At a time when even food delivery giant Deliveroo is yet to turn a profit, we’re here to help you refine your business model, win more customers and score repeat business with a few handy tips:

1. Rethink Your Delivery Transportation Method

Keeping your food hot and fresh for your customers is a huge priority. The speed and efficiency of your delivery service could be the difference between repeat business or a negative review, but using a petrol or diesel vehicle will burn a lot of fuel and further pollute city centres. Since you don’t get a second chance at a first impression, fuel might be a negligible cost, but the environmental impact is something worth considering if you’re making a lot of deliveries all over town.

With the expansion of the ULEZ area in London, electric vehicles provide a much less polluting option for delivering your takeaways quickly without causing too much damage to the environment. Pushbikes are also a great eco-friendly alternative if you’re only operating within a small area, while the option of collection should always be available for customers willing to make the journey to you.

2. Reimagine Your Delivery Strategy

To save fuel and maximise profitability, Uber Eats introduced batched orders, much to the chagrin of thousands of its customers. It’s a delivery method used by the company when multiple orders from the same restaurant are made at the same time. Here, the delivery driver waits at the restaurant until all orders have been prepared. Then, the driver will deliver all of the orders in one trip, saving fuel and reducing the number of journeys taken. 

While this might save on fuel costs and sometimes works out better for the delivery driver, customers are often left waiting for extended periods for their food to arrive. This inevitably results in frustration and disappointment due to delayed orders and cold food, which might leave people wondering why they bothered ordering a takeaway at all.

One way around this tricky situation is to offer delivery slots that are bookable in advance. Takeaways are all about convenience, so this might not work for some businesses, but it will go a long way in helping your takeaway outlet stay on top of orders and keeping customers satisfied — just so long as you can deliver your takeaways on time. Trial some different ordering methods and see which one suits your business best.

3. Reevaluate Your Food Packaging 

The right kind of food packaging will keep your food fresher for longer and help you deliver hot, fresh and delicious takeaways to your valued customers. Although cheap, synthetic packaging might help you make more money per order in the short term, plastic packaging is hazardous to health and is putting people at risk of serious health complications. 

Our eco-friendly packaging is 100% plastic-free and biodegradable, giving you a safe and effective option to protect your customers and the environment. It doesn’t compromise on quality either. You’ll get enhanced functionality and more recyclability from products like our greaseproof pizza boxes and Kraftware, giving your customers a better experience with every takeaway.

Is Your Business as Eco-Friendly as It Could Be?

Whether you’re a large-scale takeaway business serving a huge area or a self-made startup taking your very first orders, you can optimise your operations in numerous ways to keep your customers satisfied and preserve the planet’s finite resources. By reviewing how your takeaways are ordered, packaged and delivered, you can greatly improve your customers’ experience and outshine your competitors with superior eco-friendly service.

Want to give your customers a guilt-free takeaway experience? Check out our online shop and discover our 100% eco-friendly packaging that’s 100% plastic-free.

Phthalates: The Most Dangerous Problem with Plastic Food Packaging
The Most Dangerous Problem with Plastic Food Packaging - Phthalates

Everybody knows that plastic packaging is bad for the environment, but did you also know it is bad for your health?

Businesses have been given greater reason to ditch plastics as more research comes to light regarding the toxicity of plastic packaging. The most recent studies have indicated that the chemicals found in plastics directly affect fertility and that by the year 2045, most couples trying to conceive will need some form of reproductive assistance — such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment — due to prolonged exposure to these chemicals.

Those kinds of statistics are pretty terrifying, but what makes plastics so dangerous, and how can you protect your customers and yourself from the harmful effects of plastics? The answer lies in the use of phthalates.

Cardboard v Plastic PackagingWhat Are Phthalates, and Are They Dangerous?

Phthalates are just some of the chemicals used to produce many different kinds of plastics, from personal care products to food packaging. DEHP is the most common phthalate chemical and is used as a plasticiser to make plastics more flexible and durable. However, phthalate usage has been called into question numerous times. 

It’s believed that phthalates can cause a myriad of serious health issues if they’re metabolised by the body, which is almost impossible to avoid since phthalate-ridden plastic has been in circulation for several decades. The side effects of prolonged exposure to these chemicals include hormone imbalances, reduced sperm count and even lowered IQ of unborn children, to name just a few. 

What’s most concerning is that phthalate metabolites — which serve as evidence that phthalates enter and contaminate the body — were discovered in humans nearly 20 years ago, yet plastic usage is still prevalent in many everyday products.

How Do Phthalates Get into the Body?

Your exposure to phthalates will vary depending on the kind of products you use, but sadly, they’re in pretty much every kind of product imaginable — from hair sprays, shampoos and soaps to food packaging and even children’s toys. So how do phthalates get into the body?

Phthalates can enter your system through your skin or be ingested. Once they enter your body, they’re metabolised — forming phthalate metabolites — and expelled as sweat or urine after around five hours. While it might be good news that phthalates don’t stick around, it’s the repeated and prolonged exposure to phthalates that causes the most amount of damage.

That means that using soap containing phthalates every time you wash your hands or eating food that’s come into contact with plastic packaging will allow more of these dangerous chemicals to enter your body on a regular basis, putting your health and the health of future generations in jeopardy.

What Can You Do to Avoid Phthalates? 

If you’re concerned about the potentially damaging effects of phthalates, particularly if you’re pregnant, there are a few things you can do to limit your exposure:

1. Steer Clear of Plastic Packaging

It’s true that even if you get your milk delivered to your door in glass bottles, it’s quite possible that the milk has already come into contact with DEHP while being processed. It might have been passed through plastic tubes that contain phthalates, resulting in a contaminated product. You can limit your exposure to phthalates by sticking to plastic-free food packaging wherever possible and buying non-GMO, organic produce.

2 . Use Eco-Friendly and Phthalate-Free Products

As mentioned, phthalates can enter the body through your skin. Keeping your eye out for phthalate-free products that you can use at home and for your business — including soaps and cleaning products — will limit your exposure. Glass containers make a safer alternative for storing food at home and are also much more durable than plastic tubs. 

3. Don’t Reheat Food in Plastic Packaging

When plastics are heated, they are more likely to expel dangerous chemicals. While it might be convenient for customers to reheat last night’s takeaway in the packaging it came in, chemicals found in plastic packaging can enter your food during this process. This means that phthalates and microplastics will be ingested. Don’t put your customers’ health at risk and stick to plastic-free packaging for your food and drinks products.

Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly Packaging

Serving takeaways in plastic-free packaging won’t just protect your customers from harmful chemicals, but it’ll also help protect the environment. It’s 100% biodegradable and will degrade naturally over time since it’s made from natural, non-toxic, responsibly sourced materials. 

Eco-friendly packaging doesn’t compromise on functionality either, as it’s made from durable, high-quality materials like Kraft paper and even avocado seeds. If you want to help people limit their exposure to plastic-based packaging and the harm it can cause, plastic-free packaging makes an ideal solution.

Concerned about phthalates and in need of a safer, more effective packaging solution? Visit our online shop and discover eco-friendly, plastic-free packaging perfect for all kinds of cuisine today.

The Best Environmental Packaging Strategies for Food and Drinks Products
coffee shop owners using environmental friendly packaging

Rethinking the way your business approaches takeaway packaging can greatly benefit the environment.

Easter eggs are big business. With around 80 million Easter eggs sold every year, that’s a lot of chocolate and a lot of packaging too. But retailers have been able to dramatically reduce their environmental impact in one of the simplest ways imaginable — getting rid of plastic packaging.

By removing the plastic windows from their Easter eggs packaging, Mondelēz International (the US company that owns Cadbury) removed 5.4 tonnes of plastic from the environment. Opting for open windows and sticking to a paper and cardboard construction, recycling Easter egg packaging was made even easier for their customers. Yet, the overall effectiveness of the packaging wasn’t reduced. It still protected the delicate chocolate eggs during transit and still showcased its products enough for millions of people to buy them — a win-win.

So how else can food and confectionary businesses make their packaging more sustainable without compromising on quality? 

What Are the Best Sustainable Packaging Strategies?

If you’re looking for eco-friendly packaging ideas for food, drinks and more, there are plenty of ways you can start helping to protect the planet while effectively marketing your products straight away:

  1. Eliminate the Use of Harmful Packaging Materials 

First things first, if you’re using non-recyclable or non-biodegradable packaging, your business’s products will harm the environment. Plastic is incredibly harmful to the planet because it doesn’t naturally degrade. Even when it eventually does start to decompose — which often takes hundreds of years — it leaks harmful chemicals back into the atmosphere. 

Minimising the use of these packaging materials or eliminating them entirely should be your top priority to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. Global retailers have upped their game and proven that environmentally safe packaging can be effective, so if you’re going to have a chance of competing in supermarkets, shops and online, it might be time to up your game too.

  1. Minimise the Packaging You Use

If you’re striving to be an eco-friendly business, one of the easiest ways to reduce your environmental impact is by reducing the amount of packaging you use. Not only will this help your business save money on packaging supplies, but it’ll also reduce the amount of packaging that needs to be recycled or disposed of.

Think about the size of each piece of packaging you use, how customers interact with your brand and how each aspect of your vending could be improved. Maybe your burger containers don’t need to be so big, or perhaps your customers don’t always need extra cutlery, so it’s worth reviewing these aspects to incrementally reduce wastage, save money and preserve the planet’s finite resources.

  1. Implement Eco-friendly Packaging Solutions

Swapping out harmful materials for ecological packaging is crucial in your journey to becoming a more eco-friendly business, but what should you use to package your products? Besides, aren’t eco-friendly alternatives really expensive?

Biodegradable packaging from bagasse bowls to biodegradable cups boast many of the same qualities as plastic without the environmentally damaging drawbacks. Plus, your initial investment pales into insignificance when you consider the long-term benefits of using ecologically friendly materials.

Going green can help you get ahead of your competitors because, as more plastic bans are introduced, more companies will need to make the switch to greener packaging, inevitably paying a higher price as they enter the eco-friendly market much later. Plus, you’ll be able to establish better relationships with the ever-growing market of eco-conscious consumers, so you’ll no doubt see a return on your investment within a short time frame.

Sustainable Packaging Strategies for Food Businesses

The most recent innovations in eco-friendly food packaging have provided businesses of all sizes with fantastic opportunities to make their operations more ecological without compromising on the quality of their products. Sustainable packaging materials made from avocado seeds and ever-dependable paper-based packaging are putting an end to plastic, and not a minute too soon.

These innovative packaging solutions tell a hopeful story about how sustainable packaging can benefit the economy and the environment, and now your business can be a part of that story too!

Looking for a better packaging solution for your takeaway food and drinks? Discover our online shop, where you’ll find epic ecological packaging solutions that won’t damage the environment.

Eco-friendly Takeaway Packaging For Summer
a summer day with a person enjoying a smoothis in eco friendly takeaway packaging

Whether it’s a freshly made smoothie in the park or a coffee on the high street, food and drinks vendors will need the right eco-friendly takeaway packaging this summer.

Summer is right around the corner, and with more freedom to hit the park for a picnic or to head into town for a refreshing beverage or two, it’s the perfect time for food and drinks vendors to capitalise on the increased footfall around their stalls.

While restaurants, bars and other food and drinks outlets will eventually be able to host its guests indoors as usual, there will still be a large percentage of patrons who’ll want to take their refreshments away with them.

This, of course, means that vendors will need plenty of eco-friendly packaging for their various takeaway products. So what is the best eco-friendly takeaway packaging for the summer months ahead?

The Best Eco-friendly Takeaway Packaging for Summer

No matter what refreshments you’re serving, eco-friendly packaging will impress your customers, helping generate brand awareness, recognition, loyalty and advocacy. It’ll help prove to consumers that your business is doing everything it can to protect the environment, helping you tap into the unrestricted growth of the eco-conscious market while preserving the planet’s resources.

Some of the best sustainable packaging options for summer include:

  1. Clear Biodegradable Eco Cups

These transparent cups are great for all kinds of cold drinks that’ll provide your customers with the ultimate guilt-free refreshment on a hot summer’s day. From smoothies and fresh juices to milkshakes and iced coffees, all of our cold beverage containers are made from a clear bioplastic –– manufactured using plants instead of oil — making them 100% biodegradable and the perfect choice for your environmentally aware business.

Available in a range of sizes — and with a range of flat or domed lids — you can switch up your serving style depending on the kind of drinks your customers purchase, giving you some added versatility behind the drinks counter.

  1. Eco-friendly Ice Cream Tubs

It’s not summer without ice cream, so serve up some delicious scoops with extra sustainability. Made from paperboard coated in PLA bioplastic, our eco-friendly ice cream cups are biodegradable, compostable and perfectly suited to all kinds of ice cream. Clear recyclable lids are also available, which are ideal for takeaway orders.

Give your customers something to use to tuck into their delightful treats with our range of eco-friendly cutlery — including eco ice cream spoons — available in various styles to match your brand’s aesthetic.

  1. Sustainable Coffee Cups

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or any other hot beverages can keep you hydrated on a summer’s day. Even though it might be warm outside, you’ll likely get your fair share of hot drinks orders. It’s often debated whether or not a hot drink can cool you down, but whatever you believe, it’s important to have the right eco-friendly takeaway options on the menu.

All of our coffee cups and lids have the same characteristics and functionality as your average, non-sustainable takeaway products, but they have the added benefit of being 100% recyclable and biodegradable, giving your customers every opportunity to dispose of their cups responsibly.

  1. Paper Bags and Cardboard Food Carriers

From sandwich bags for freshly prepared savoury snacks to gable boxes for the ultimate picnic experience, we’ve got you covered. All of our food carriers are biodegradable, meaning that your customers don’t have to fret about recycling the packaging if it gets spoiled.

With a range of cost-effective SOS paper bags, twisted handle bags and grab bags — all available in an array of sizes and styles — you can give your customers exactly what they need to take away their food and drinks without coming into contact with plastic or worrying about hygiene.

  1. Environmentally Friendly Extras

Sometimes it’s the extra bits and pieces you need that tip the balance from being eco-friendly to not-so-eco-friendly. Our paper straws and compostable drinks holders can keep your drinks orders flowing without affecting your reputation as an environmentally conscious business, while our compostable condiments sachets help to mitigate non-biodegradable waste at a granular level.

Not everyone carries around their own reusable spork or has a handkerchief handy, so stocking up on super sustainable wooden cutlery and eco napkins will enhance your customer’s takeaway experience.

Custom Packaging for Takeaway Products

Since all takeaway outlets are keen on making a strong comeback as soon as the national lockdown is lifted, why not make a splash with some brand new custom packaging? Give your customers something to shout about with a new design that’ll attract all the right attention. At such a crucial time, don’t leave the success of your takeaway business to chance and invest in personalised packaging that’ll set your brand apart.

Whatever packaging you need, get your summer off to a great start with packaging products that won’t harm the environment. Your customers will love your eco-friendly approach and the planet will thank you too. With so much to look forward to in the coming months, cementing your brand’s success the sustainable way with the best green packaging available.

Looking to stock up on the best eco-friendly takeaway packaging ahead of a busy summer? Explore our online shop and buy high-quality, biodegradable cups, containers and much more online today.


How to Reduce Food Waste Without Plastic
a reduced to clear section in a supermarket - a blog about reducing food waste

Food waste is an issue of epic proportions. What can businesses and consumers do to make their food go further and reduce food and packaging waste?

Nine hundred million tonnes of food is wasted globally every year. The majority of the waste is created by households, with the restaurant and retail sectors following close behind. The accompanying packaging waste problem is detrimental to the environment, as a huge amount of food packaging is either unrecyclable, not recycled or non-biodegradable. This is especially true for a vast array of takeaway packaging.

UK households could save £700 a year if they only bought the food they ate. There are numerous environmental implications of wasting such vast quantities of food too — whether it’s purchased in supermarkets, grocery stores or from takeaway services — so how can we reduce food waste to help save the planet?

How to Reduce Food Waste at Home

Since most food wastage occurs at home, you might be wondering how to store food without plastic and still keep it fresh. Plastic zip lock bags often have faulty or ineffective seals that frequently break and plastic sandwich bags are prone to tearing, dramatically reducing your food’s shelf life. 

Glass containers and beeswax wraps make for much safer food storage solutions at home, while Kraft tableware and biodegradable cutlery made from natural resources make highly effective takeaway packaging for all kinds of cuisine. 

There are a few ways you preserve food at home while avoiding using plastic-based products:

1. Don’t Buy More Food than You Need To

It’s easier said than done, especially if you’re shopping while you’re hungry, but over-ordering can leave you with a fridge full of food that quickly goes out of date. Fruit and vegetables are best eaten fresh and will usually only last a few days, even in optimal conditions. Although it might require more effort in the short-term, doing smaller food shops more regularly can help you stay fully stocked and save you money on wasted food over the year.

2. Avoid Duplicate Purchases by Keeping Track of Your Food Stocks

We’ve all been there. You buy milk, take it home and make a cup of tea, only to realise that there’s a carton of milk sitting in the fridge that was only opened yesterday. Unless you were planning on having a pint and a half of milk with your cereal each morning, this could easily create wastage. Keep your shopping lists up to date and communicate with others in your household to make sure you aren’t wasting money on duplicate purchases; it’ll pay dividends in the long run

3. Keep Track of Expiry Dates

Keeping track of when your food goes off can help you decide what needs to be eaten before its expiry date. Most foods are suitable for freezing, which can help to reduce wastage dramatically.

Expiry dates shouldn’t be confused with best-before dates. Expiration dates help you to understand how long a product is safe to consume, whereas a best-before date merely indicates that products won’t be as tasty or in such good condition after a certain date. If a food product is passed its best-before date, it’s still safe to eat; it just might not be as aromatic or nutritious as it was when it was still fresh

4. Get Savvy with Meal Planning

Planning is a great way of making sure that you’re only buying exactly what you need to make your next meal. Batch cooking is also an effective way of reducing food waste, allowing you to cook and prepare food items that might be near their expiry date.

5. Make Sure Your Fridge Is Cold Enough

Cool your fridge down to at least 5°C. Although this lower temperature will require slightly more power, it’ll help preserve your food for a lot longer. The average UK fridge temperature is almost 7°C, so check your fridge settings and start saving more food right away

6. Make the Most of Your Freezer

Your freezer can save you hundreds of pounds a year when utilised to its full potential. If you’ve got plenty of leftovers after mealtime, use eco-friendly containers to freeze what you haven’t eaten for another day. If you’ve got too much food in the fridge that’s approaching it’s expiry date, whether that’s meat, fruit or even milk, put it in the freezer before it starts to spoil. Once foods have passed their expiry date, they’ll be no good, frozen or unfrozen.

How Can You Reduce Food Packaging Waste?

So you’re getting savvier with your food shopping, you’re throwing less food away and the planet is starting to become a better place. But what about all that food packaging? Your takeaway still comes in plastic containers and there’s still an abundance of non-recyclable plastic that wraps around your supermarket shopping.

As a consumer, be conscious about how your food is packaged and take note of whether or not it’s recyclable, compostable or biodegradable. Check to see if you have a zero waste shop near you, and take along your reusable bags and containers to minimise the amount of packaging waste produced.

For businesses, eco-friendly takeaway packaging is essential for making the right impression on your customers, as well as helping to preserve the planet’s resources. Don’t carry on using the same old plastic packaging that damages the environment with excessive waste; make the switch to more Earth-friendly packaging solutions and start making a difference today.

Are you an eco-conscious business looking for a better way to package your takeaway food products? Why not check out our online shop, full of awesome innovative packaging solutions that are much better for the environment.

How to Safely Dispose of Non-Recyclable Plastic
volunteer helping clear up non-recyclable plastic

Non-recyclable plastic creates a huge environmental problem that needs to be addressed by businesses and consumers alike.

We’ve all seen harrowing images of wildlife and oceans affected by plastic waste. We’ve also seen the pledges by big-name brands to reduce their plastic packaging production and usage. While it’s been reported that multinational companies aren’t doing enough to tackle the problem, it’s clear that a serious global issue exists. 

What’s not so clear is how we deal with non-recyclable packaging. After all, there are only so many ways that non-recyclable plastics can be reused. Is throwing it away the right thing to? If it can’t yet be recycled, what can you do with non-recyclable materials? 

What Can You Do with Non-recyclable Plastic?

There is a vast number of items we regularly use that can’t be recycled due to the kind of plastic the product or its packaging is made from. In most cases, it isn’t economically or environmentally viable to recycle plastics such as film lids, plastic bags or plastic wrapping such as cling film. 

These kinds of plastics can clog the processing machinery at recycling facilities, interfering with the recycling process. It’s for this reason that it’s actually better to dispose of these kinds of non-recyclable plastics in your general waste rather than your recycling bin, as uneconomical as this practice may seem. 

Which Plastic Cannot Be Recycled?

It’s quite simple to figure out which plastics can’t be recycled. Keep your eye out for signs and symbols that indicate whether or not your salad, snack or sandwich is packaged using recyclable materials. 

It’s also handy to know about the classification system used to identify different plastics if you’re ever in doubt about whether your packaging can be recycled or not. All plastic products are accompanied by a Resin Identification Code (RIC) , a number between one and seven that describes the kind of polymer the plastic resin is made from. 

Typically, products with numbers one and two can often be recycled, numbers three to six can sometimes be recycled, while products with number seven attached to them are rarely recyclable. It’s worth checking what your local council’s recycling scheme covers, as most will differ depending on the facilities available.

Recycling Plastic and Non-plastic Packaging 

By opting for products that are packaged without plastic, you’re avoiding creating any unnecessary waste that’d otherwise end up in landfills. But if you’re looking to recycle as much of your household waste as possible, be aware that it’s not just plastics that cause recycling issues. Broken glass and oil-stained pizza boxes can’t be reused, but it’s labour-intensive for recycling plants to separate them from items that could otherwise be recycled. 

In this instance, it’s not uncommon for recycling facilities to reject entire loads of perfectly recyclable packaging which has been deemed “contaminated” by these non-recyclable items. This means that even the most diligently cleaned food packaging that’s ripe for recycling is thrown out with the other contaminated waste, ending up in landfill sites across the country. To avoid this from happening, make sure to only recycle clean and sanitised packaging. Otherwise, you might be doing more harm than good.

What Happens to Non-recyclable Plastic?

Nearly all non-recyclable plastics end up in landfills — along with a large percentage of contaminated recyclable packaging. This is a major problem because most plastic products take hundreds of years to decompose. As these materials start to degrade, they leak harmful chemicals back into the environment, making their impact on the planet doubly worse.

Plastic waste also ends up in the oceans, causing a great deal of harm to marine life. Waste from boats is responsible for almost half of the pollution in the North Pacific Garbage Patch, but wastewater, wind, rain and floods carry plastic waste from the land into the oceans, especially lightweight items, such as plastic bags, straws, cotton buds and food packaging.

Plastic Pollution and Non-recyclable Materials

The bad news is that there’s no practical way to deal with non-recyclables other than reusing them or disposing of them properly in general waste. 

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Scientists are working on implementing plastic-eating enzymes that can dramatically speed up the decomposition process of plastic bottles, reducing the significantly damaging effects of overfilled landfills. But that doesn’t mean we’re totally off the hook, the key to making progress is to be proactive about our consumption of plastics and other non-recyclable waste. 

Until single-use plastics are eradicated, it’s unrealistic to boycott all of the everyday items that we rely on. Some plastics can be useful and shouldn’t be disregarded — not until we have cost-effective, reliable and sustainable solutions — but there are plenty of viable alternatives for some of our most commonly used items. 

Many of these alternatives have many practical and environmental benefits, like our range of eco-friendly takeaway packaging, perfect for all kinds of takeaway food and drinks products.

What Is the Future of Plastics and Non-recyclables?

The government encouraged businesses and consumers to curb their plastic usage with the introduction of the plastic bag tax — first introduced in 2015 — which is set to double in 2021

This legislation puts more emphasis on reusable bags, helping to reduce the amount of single-use plastics that need to be created. The sale of single-use plastics such as cotton buds, straws and drink stirrers are also to be banned in 2021, further reducing the amount of single-use plastic items in circulation.

With more similar plastic bans on the way and the most recent introduction of the EU plastic tax, it’s safe to say that plastics — recyclable and non-recyclable — are on the way out (and good riddance). 

How Can You Reduce the Amount of Plastic?

Until we’re completely free of plastics, avoiding them altogether can be a challenging task. But there are several realistic and easily manageable suggestions you can start today:

1. Avoid Buying Bottled Water

Plastic water bottles make up a huge percentage of the total global plastic waste, but there are plenty of reusable water bottles available to buy, most of which are made from a variety of eco-friendly, recycled and recyclable materials. You can start reducing your plastic consumption simply by taking your reusable water bottle with you when you’re out and about, saving you money on buying bottled water and reducing plastic waste, recyclable or otherwise.

Over 20 thousand businesses are operating as “Refill Stations in the UK, including brands such as Costa, Starbucks and Greggs, so keep your eye out for the Refill logo for places that’ll help you stay hydrated without creating unnecessary waste.

2. Get a Reusable Coffee Cup

All kinds of coffee shops welcome customers to bring in their reusable coffee cups. Not only does it save businesses money on extra packaging costs, but it also helps to reduce waste. Plus, you can usually get a discount on your purchase by using your own reusable hot drinks container, something offered by most of the major coffee shop chains as well as independent businesses. Before you know it, your new sustainable coffee cup is paying for itself.

3. Start Using Alternatives for Food Preservation

As mentioned, most recycling facilities won’t accept cling film for recycling as it can cause issues with the recycling machinery. But, it’s also been documented that plastic food containers — like those used by takeaway outlets — can harbour bacteria and even leak plastic particles into the food you’re reheating, which isn’t good news. They’re also frequently recycled without being cleaned out properly, meaning that contamination can lead to more recyclable materials going to waste.

Glass food containers are much sturdier and more durable than potentially harmful plastic takeaway tubs, while wax wraps make an excellent eco-friendly alternative to cling film that can be reused again and again.

4. Avoid Products Containing Microbeads

The government first pledged to ban plastic microbeads in September 2016, following a ban in the US in 2015. The ban is now in force after it was discovered that thousands of tonnes of plastic microbeads from exfoliating face scrubs and toothpaste washed into the sea every year, causing a great deal of harm to marine life that ingest these tiny plastic particles. 

This new legislation means that you can’t buy products that contain these tiny-but-terrible microplastics in the UK, but it’s worth keeping an eye out for products containing harmful plastics abroad

5. Try Out Tote Bags

Plastic bags create a huge amount of avoidable landfill waste and don’t go the distance in terms of usage, usually perishing within only a few uses. That makes eco-friendly tote bags a must-have item for anyone who wants to do their bit to help reduce plastic waste. They’re fairly cheap, will last you a long time and have the benefit of being 100 per cent biodegradable.

6. Get Loose with Your Fruit and Veg Shopping

Loose produce is no different from the fruit and vegetables covered in layers of plastic. Supermarkets are slowly reducing their use of single-use plastics in the sale of fresh produce, but many have a long way to go before they’re having an impact. Be kinder to the planet and opt for loose fruit and vegetables that aren’t pre-wrapped in plastic. Use paper bags to carry your goods when necessary — paper is much less harmful to the environment due to its natural biodegradable properties.

How to Deal with Non-recyclable Plastic

The best way we can deal with non-recyclable materials is by reducing our consumption and avoiding these kinds of packaging altogether. 

The good news is that there are plenty of easy ways to reduce plastic consumption without completely changing the way we live our lives. All that’s required is a greater consciousness of packaging waste that’s inevitably created as we consume all kinds of products. After all, packaging serves a valuable function, keeping our products protected and produce fresh. By following the steps outlined above, we can all work towards a greener future. 

How Businesses Can Help Save the Planet

The best way businesses across all industries can help consumers is by encouraging the use of eco-friendly packaging. Educating customers about the benefits of using reusable, recyclable, biodegradable and compostable materials for everyday items like takeaway food is not only a great way to help people protect the environment, but also makes an effective marketing angle. 

Allowing consumers to help save the planet with their purchase of sustainably sourced products and packaging is the perfect way to win eco-conscious customers, raise brand awareness and make people think about the future they want. You can start today with our awesome range of environmentally friendly packaging for all kinds of takeaway food products available in our online shop.

 Are you ready to start ditching the plastic and start going green? Explore our range of eco-friendly takeaway packaging products and discover a new realm of possibilities for a much greener future.

Updated March 2021

Wrapped Up: Why Do We Need Food Packaging?
takeaway food packaging

From takeaway vendors to supermarket stalls, food and drinks products often come pre-packaged for our convenience.

It’s not uncommon to encounter environmentally harmful packaging that clings to all kinds of fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, snacks and salads. The “lunch on the go” economy alone accounts for 11 billion items of packaging waste a year, most of which aren’t recycled or recyclable.

With such shocking waste statistics, you’re probably asking yourself, “why do we need food packaging?”, but there are few important reasons why the packaging for consumables remains essential for the food and drinks industry. Plus, with more eco-friendly packaging options available than ever before, we can start to reduce the debt we owe to the planet for putting up with our throw-away culture.

Why Do We Need Food Packaging?

It’s crucial to understand why we need food packaging to justify its usage across such a range of sectors. From global exporters to your local takeaway, food packaging provides:

  1. Protection from the Elements

Your food and drinks products frequently travel thousands of miles before they safely reach their destination. Whether it’s apples from America or lettuce from Spain, produce that could easily be damaged need to be protected during transit.

Nearly half of the food we consume in the UK is imported, which means large amounts of packaging are required to ensure that the produce doesn’t spoil before it arrives in supermarkets, shops and grocery stores. It’s a complex logistical process that requires a lot of effort and resources to maintain, so high-quality packaging materials are essential.

  1. Hygiene Safety

COVID-19 has provided continual challenges for the packaging industry, increasing the importance of effective packaging solutions that keep people safe by reducing the likelihood of viruses spreading.

Consumers view packaging as a necessity, with paper packaging being viewed as the safest to use by consumers, mainly because it can easily be disposed of and is generally intended for a limited number of uses. Once the packaging has served its purpose, it causes much less environmental harm when it needs to be thrown away due to its natural biodegradable properties.

  1. Information and Advice to Customers

Food packaging for takeaways is especially important as it gives food vendors an effective way to tell customers what ingredients their products contain. Without the appropriate packaging, consumers wouldn’t be able to find out if the food they’re eating could cause an allergic reaction, which — in some rare cases — can be fatal.

It’s also an opportunity to encourage consumers to recycle or responsibly dispose of their packaging. Various packaging symbols are often used to help consumers decipher what can and can’t be recycled, while the highly recognisable Tidyman logo has been used to discourage littering for decades.

  1. An Enhanced Aesthetic

Custom packaging designs are essential to businesses across the food and drinks industries. Vibrant artwork, catchy slogans and bespoke packaging all play a vital role in driving sales, increasing brand recognition and ultimately determining the success of businesses in a competitive marketplace. Bespoke designs also benefit the consumer, making for a more enjoyable drinking and dining experience.

  1. Sustainability

Not only does sustainable packaging protect the environment, but it also helps to stop foods from spoiling, reducing waste as a result. It’s estimated that over 9.5 million tonnes of food is wasted every year in the UK, so we must conserve as much food as possible to reduce excess food wastage.

It’s also been studied that concerns regarding sustainability have increased amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, with non-recyclable packaging being regarded of the highest importance. At a time where single-use products are seeing more use than ever before, consumers have become increasingly aware of the negative impact these items have on the planet.

Is Food Packaging Essential?

Food packaging serves several purposes, from protecting produce and keeping it fresh to helping customers take note of a product’s ingredients. Since food packaging is here to stay, so our attention is turned to reducing the amount of single-use, environmentally harmful packaging. 

With more supermarkets catching on to consumer trends and making efforts to reduce plastic waste, we’re heading towards a greener future, but it’s up to all kinds of businesses to reduce their effects on the environment. As we’ve discussed, takeaway packaging is a crucial area that accounts for a large percentage of the non-biodegradable waste created, so now is the perfect time to switch to more eco-friendly packaging alternatives. 

Interested in protecting the planet with your takeaways? Discover our range of eco-friendly takeaway packaging, and start shrinking your carbon footprint today. If you’re after something extra special, why not check out our custom packaging, perfect for all kinds of cuisine.

How to Make Food Packaging Boxes That Delight
Tasty homemade burger takeaway in a box of recycled paper on wooden boards.

Food packaging doesn’t have to be bland and tasteless, why not spice-up your takeaway packaging to give your business’s branding a flavoursome lift.

The better a dish looks, the tastier we think it is — that’s just the miracle of the human mind. When we’re presented with something aesthetically pleasing, our brains assume that anything that looks that good must taste fantastic too. That’s why we think every business should know how to make food packaging boxes that show their food in the best possible light.

Recent studies have discovered that eating food with your hands can also make things taste better, which is great news for burger joints, pizza places and all other hands-on takeaway outlets.

So, can you use your food packaging boxes to engage your customers’ senses? If your diners are handed a beautifully presented takeaway, they’ll likely be more impressed with the taste than if it was carelessly thrown together and bundled in unsightly packaging. With custom packaging, you can create unforgettable dining experiences for your customers that’ll leave them wanting to come back for more.

Creating Bespoke Food Packaging Boxes

If you’re on a mission to deliver amazing flavours to the nation, consider swapping out your boring packaging for boxes and containers that will get the desired reaction from your customers. 

There are a few steps you can take to make sure your new packaging delivers:

1 Pick the Right Packaging

This step is straightforward if you’re only selling specific dishes like noodles, but it can be a tricky affair if you’re selling a variety of food and drinks products. Make sure you choose packaging that’s versatile enough to handle your hot and cold food, like takeaway boxes or soup cups that can effectively contain various cuisines.

If you’re selling a variety of drinks, it’s a good idea to have different containers for different kinds of beverages. It’s best to serve your hot drinks in printed paper cups that can handle the heat, but you’re better off with something like an eco-clear cup — made from sustainable bioplastic — for your ice-cold beverages. Each of these containers has biodegradable properties, meaning they won’t leave a lasting impression on the environment.

2 Create a Custom Design

If you’re happy with your business’s branding, then you’re well on your way to creating some dazzling food packaging designs. Simply adding your logo to your takeaway food boxes can go a long way in helping people to remember and recognise your brand, as well as increasing the perceived quality of your products. But taking things a step further can cement your position as the top-dog in town.

If your branding could do with a boost, our in-house design team is here to lend a helping hand. As experts in the field of custom packaging for all manner of takeaway outlets, we’ll be able to help create eye-catching artwork that’ll highlight the quality of your offerings.

3 Order Your Food Packaging Boxes

Once you’re satisfied with your new custom packaging designs, go ahead and order your takeaway boxes, noodle boxes, takeaway coffee cups or soup containers. A small investment in the right kind of branded packaging can set your business apart from the competition while also helping you to protect the environment. 

Using vegetable-based inks, we’re able to create incredible designs that won’t affect the biodegradable properties of your packaging — a win for your business and a win for the planet too.

4 Store and Distribute Your New Packaging

It’s important to consider the quantity of the packaging you order. Storing packaging in the right environment can be a bothersome issue for businesses operating in small spaces, but with our storage and distribution service, we can store your new packaging until you need it. When you need more, we’ll send it out to you with next-day delivery so you’re always fully stocked. If you’ve got the storage capabilities, it’s also worth noting that you can design your food packaging boxes to be stackable, saving you valuable space.

How to Make Food Packaging Boxes That Delight

Whether you’re still searching for inspiration or you’re already set on your new branding, let us help you deliver epic takeaways with fantastic branded packaging. No matter what cuisine you sell, the takeaway container can enhance your customers’ experiences, reduce your carbon footprint and set your brand apart from the competition. With an extensive range of fully customisable and eco-friendly products, we’ve got all bases covered.

Interested in taking your food packaging boxes to the next level? Get in touch for a free design quote, and let us help you create amazing packaging your customers will fall in love with.

How Does Plastic Packaging Affect the Environment?
Many rubbish on the beach with backdrop are blurred blue sky and horizon

Plastic packaging has been in circulation for decades, but the environmental effects of wide-spread plastic usage are starting to take their toll on the planet. 

There’s no denying that plastic packaging has proven useful to many businesses and consumers alike, but it comes with an unignorable environmental cost, as well as many other disadvantages that far outweigh its benefits. Read on to find out how Takeaway Packaging is turning the tide on plastic packaging in the food sector.

What Is the Negative Impact of Plastic Packaging?

Plastic packaging comes laden with drawbacks that have a direct impact on the environment and our personal wellbeing.

Littering ruins nature (particularly plastic-based litter).

Littering is still a prevalent issue, even though greater penalties have been put in place in recent years to curb the nationwide problem. Fast-food packaging makes up about one-third of all the most commonly littered items, and since a proportion of that litter is non-biodegradable, it lies strewn across our public spaces for years.

While food vendors aren’t primarily at fault, they also have the unique opportunity to reduce the impact of littering by switching to biodegradable takeaway packaging. This kind of eco-friendly packaging material degrades naturally and at a much faster rate than plastic or polystyrene packaging, meaning that the adverse effects of littering would be much less harmful to the local environment. 

Customised takeaway packaging can also be used to encourage recycling and responsible waste management. By including useful information on the packaging itself, people can be made aware of how to properly dispose of it, nudging people in the right direction.

Plastic doesn’t degrade for hundreds of years.

It can take centuries for plastics to fully decompose. That means that the plastic we use today to protect our food and package our takeaways will likely be around for generations after it has served its limited purpose. Worryingly, single-use plastics make up around 40% of all the plastic waste produced year-on-year, which are predominantly plastic containers, cups and cutlery.

Environmentally safe alternatives — like biodegradable cups and sustainable food containers — have seen a surge in popularity due to their eco-friendly characteristics, providing consumers and businesses with a greener option for their takeaway packaging.

When plastic starts to degrade, it leaks toxins back into the environment.

To add insult to injury, plastics expel toxic by-products like bisphenol A (BPA) and PS oligomer when they start to degrade. It means that as the oil-based materials slowly perish, the chemicals that remain poison the planet. On the other hand, bioplastics break down into purely natural chemicals, leaving minimal trace of their existence behind while still offering similar characteristics. 

Plastic packaging contaminates our food.

Most shocking of all is how plastics can contaminate our food and drinks products. Some forms of plastic packaging release tiny plastic particles — often referred to as microplastics — that subsequently contaminate our food with plastic fragments, causing us to ingest these toxic materials. While the risks of plastic ingestion haven’t yet been fully studied, it’s estimated that people eat around 50,000 plastic particles every year, which isn’t good news for our continued health and wellbeing.

Unrecycled plastic packaging causes harm to animals.

If you were concerned about the effects of plastic on humans, many wildlife species are also directly affected by plastic ingestion. Ocean-dwelling animals regularly encounter plastic and accidentally ingest microscopic plastic particles, which can often be fatal to most marine life. Sea birds are frequently found with bellies full of plastics that they mistook for morsels of food, wreaking havoc on their digestive systems and proving fatal in most cases.

What Can You Do to Reduce Plastic Waste?

You’re probably asking yourself, “how can we reduce the impact of excess food packaging on the environment?”. The good news is that you can do a few things to prevent further plastic pollution as a consumer and as a business. 
Recycling plastics and avoiding plastic-wrapped products is a good start, but why not opt for more eco-friendly alternatives? The remarkable properties of biodegradable and compostable materials — like those used make our takeaway packaging — make them perfect for food and drinks products. Even if they are spoilt and can’t be recycled, they still won’t have such a damaging effect on the environment. From coffee cups to bags and carriers, you can ditch the plastic and start saving the planet one piece of packaging at a time.

Are you ready to make the switch to eco-friendly packaging products and stop the surge of plastic packaging waste? Discover our eco-friendly packaging materials for food and drinks products today.

How Is Food Packaged in Space?
Astronaut in zero gravity with fast food. Pop art retro vector illustration

Astronauts are some of the bravest, fittest and most intelligent people on Earth. But what do they eat and how is their food packaged in space?

While children will have been looking up to the sky to try and spot Father Christmas this December, you might’ve been lucky enough to spot the International Space Station (ISS). This monolithic structure has been orbiting our planet since its launch in 1998, travelling at a staggering 7.66km/s –– just fast enough to keep up with Earth –– as we hurtle through space.

Onboard the ISS, there’s a crew of over 60 people. Each of them spends around six months aboard the station, meaning they’ll need to eat, exercise and work, just like they would back at home. Since they can’t pop to the shops to grab a takeaway 408km up in the atmosphere, food contained in specialised packaging is required to give astronauts the nutrition they need.

How Does Food Work in Space?

In 2004, a cargo delivery to the ISS was delayed, meaning that the astronauts aboard the station had to ration their food intake until more supplies arrived. Your tardy takeaway somewhat pales into insignificance when you realise that running out of food in space has some pretty serious consequences.

While astronauts are’t allowed certain food and drinks in space, most of the space food available to our galactic travellers is much the same as what you’d expect back on Earth. It wasn’t always the case –– the first man to eat in space had to do so through an aluminium tube.

What Do Astronauts Eat in Space?

Since there are several nationalities of crew members aboard the ISS, the menu is quite varied. Nowadays, astronauts eat a varied diet, from fruit and vegetables to pre-prepared meals –– even desserts! While these space dinners might not be as memorable as your favourite Chinese takeout, they give the astronauts the nutrients they need to stay focussed on their missions.

Now that NASA plans to send it’s new spacecraft, Orion, further into space than any craft before it, there are new challenges to be faced in giving astronauts the nutrition they need. Since Orion will propel the crew at nearly 65,000km past the moon, their food must have a shelf life of over two years; otherwise, the astronauts risk running out of food.

Is Food Packaging in Space Eco-Friendly?

Incredibly, space food packaging is eco-friendly. Even though it’s specifically designed to travel thousands of miles and remain completely protected throughout the entire journey, it’s fully biodegradable. Trust NASA to come up an ingenious, eco-friendly solution to interstellar food packaging.

The main reason why NASA developed this kind of biodegradable food packaging is because of the limited capacity for waste aboard a spacecraft. Although they originally used metal packaging for long-term food storage in space, trash management posed a serious problem aboard NASA’s spacecraft.

If they could store food packaging more efficiently aboard each craft, it’d save valuable space. Interstellar littering is also out of the question –– jettisoning the crew’s food packaging could interfere with a spacecraft’s delicate systems, meaning they can only fire liquids out into space.

What Does This Mean for the Future of Food Packaging?

NASA’s groundbreaking invention of the biodegradable, long-shelf-life food packaging material has much wider implications than making easy-to-transport space food. The packaging itself is said to be easily scalable, meaning that we could see more of the high-grade environmentally friendly packaging materials used back on Earth in years to come.

It would be a huge benefit to our society while we wrestle with plastic pollution and struggle with food waste. The new technology has the potential to have a broad impact, but for now, eco-friendly takeaway packaging in the form of plastic-free coffee cups and biodegradable pizza boxes are the best answer we have to tackle our global waste problems.

Interested in eco-friendly takeaway packaging that doesn’t cost the Earth? Explore our range of sustainable takeaway packaging, perfect for deliveries and suitable for all kinds of food and drink products.


How to Be an Eco-Friendly Company
Business partners walking down in office building and talking.

With plastic pollution on the rise, consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious. Businesses are following suit in a bid to retain their customers and prove to the world that they’re protecting the environment with eco-friendly practices.

Why Should You Be More Eco-Friendly?

Eco-friendliness is far from a fad. In a recent study, it was revealed that at least one in three consumers favour eco-friendly purchasing options. Most customers would pay a higher price for products that are better for the environment. With such a dramatic increase in consumer awareness, it’s easy to see why businesses are going green and capitalising on such a valuable market.

That’s before we mention the positive environmental impact your business could have by being more mindful and reducing waste. Replacing one outdated process or substituting one product for a more sustainable alternative could save your company thousands of pounds in the long run.

How Can You Be a More Eco-Friendly Company?

Changing your business practices to become more environmentally friendly might seem a struggle at first, but it’s a cost-effective and future-proof way to ensure you’re doing everything possible to protect the planet. Why not start with a few small changes that will have a positive impact on the environment?

1. Embrace Remote Working

The flexible working phenomenon has swept across the nation since the outbreak of COVID-19. Government-imposed restrictions have forced many businesses to allow home working for the first time. 

More and more companies –– from global enterprises to small to medium-sized businesses –– are embracing remote working, recognising the nascent benefits of allowing staff to undertake their duties at locations of their convenience. Remote working can save businesses money on running costs while helping to protect the environment by reducing the need for commuting.

2. Encourage Eco-Friendly Commuting

Where remote working simply isn’t an option, incentivise your employees to walk, jog, cycle or use public transport to get to and from your workplace, conserving the planet’s resources and reducing pollution. 

Even car-sharing with a fellow staff member to and from work would essentially halve the pollution created by travelling separately. Encourage and reward these practices to save everyone money and protect the environment.

3. Conserve Your Energy

It’s the little things that will make all the difference. Putting your lights on a timer and ensuring that electronic appliances are switched off when not in use can save your business money on energy bills and reduce wasted energy. 

4. Roll Out Eco-Friendly Packaging

Another small change that can boost your credentials as an eco-friendly company is switching to eco-friendly packaging. Replacing your products and packaging with eco-friendly substitutes will dramatically reduce the amount of non-biodegradable waste your company produces. Investing in packaging made from recycled materials also means that you’ll be reusing resources that we’ve already produced, using less finite resources and doubling-down on the positive impact your company has on the environment. 

Switching to eco-friendly packaging also provides your company with a great marketing opportunity — share the news that you’re going green for extra customer brownie points! You’ll be able to tap into an eco-conscious market that may have previously disregarded your products, expanding your business’ horizons. 

5. Start Recycling Programmes 

Once you’ve implemented eco-friendly packaging alternatives to become a more eco-friendly company, ensure you’ve got recycling programmes rolled out across your business. According to recent studies, a staggering 91% of plastic isn’t recycled, so make sure your company isn’t contributing to landfills or polluting the oceans by not recycling plastic and other materials.

Going Green: How to Be an Eco-Friendly Company

As a business, focus on protecting the environment makes perfect sense. You could save money, protect the environment and gain customers by investing in eco-friendly packaging solutions and ditching unsustainable practices. We’re all in this together, so becoming more mindful of the environment won’t just benefit your company and your customers, you’ll be making things better for everyone else on earth for generations to come.

Interested in becoming a more eco-friendly company? Why not check out our extensive range of revolutionary sustainable packaging and start saving the planet today.

Peeling Back the Plastic That’s Recycled
Spilled garbage on the beach of the big city. Empty used dirty plastic bottles. Dirty sea sandy shore the Black Sea. Environmental pollution. Ecological problem. Bokeh moving waves in the background

Plastic is used to package pretty much everything. But how much plastic packaging is recycled? Takeaway Packaging looks at how much plastic packaging is reclaimed.

While plastic has unique properties that make it ideal for packaging everyday products, a large percentage of what we use ends up in landfills, pollutes our oceans and spoils the planet. You might be wondering, “how much plastic packaging is recycled?”. It’s recently been revealed that a shocking 91% of plastic isn’t recycled, a figure that really makes you think that there’s got to be a better way forwards.

Why Do We Use So Much Plastic?

Lightweight yet durable, plastic makes a great choice for packaging all kinds of products, from food and drinks to toys and tools. It can be moulded into almost any shape, making it incredibly versatile. But, it comes with one huge drawback: it’s not sustainable. 

Most of the plastic in circulation today is produced using crude oil, a finite resource that is toxic to our environment. Plastic that’s manufactured using crude oil can take hundreds of years to degrade, meaning it’ll be around for generations to come once it’s served its initial, short-lived purpose. This creates a significant problem, one that’s already being addressed by businesses and governments alike.

Why Isn’t Plastic Packaging Recycled?

Once cardboard and paper are spoiled by food or liquids, they can’t be recycled. But, due to their natural properties, they’re mostly biodegradable. Even though you can’t throw your oil-stained pizza box in the recycling bin, it’ll degrade naturally over a relatively short period, having a much smaller environmental impact than plastic packaging.

This raises the question: why isn’t plastic packaging recycled?

A lack of awareness — Britons are still confused over what can and can’t be recycled. According to a recent study, 57% of people throw out recyclable packaging with their regular waste, assuming some plastic packaging isn’t recyclable when it could, in fact, be repurposed. Another study found that 37% of people didn’t know what the Mobius Loop stood for (the ubiquitous recycling symbol that’s been in use for over 50 years).

A lack of provision — further to this, a lack of public and private recycling facilities means that people don’t have the option to recycle even if they want to. It costs businesses extra to have managed recycling facilities, so most are happy to save money in the short term and stick with general waste management solutions.

A lack of recyclable packaging — even with the best of intentions, there are still plastics in circulation that aren’t yet recyclable. Film lids on salads and soap bottle pumps are among some of the unrecyclable materials that won’t get a second chance at life and will be condemned to the landfill after usage.

What Are the Alternatives to Plastic Packaging?

Fortunately, alternatives to oil-based plastic packaging have been developed in recent years, providing an invaluable substitute to non-biodegradable plastic. In addition to these technological innovations, simple yet effective paper and cardboard options have made a triumphant return, serving humbly as packaging for takeaways, online retailers and a plethora of other products and services.

Bioplastic has almost identical properties to that of oil-based plastics. It’s flexible and sturdy, but the key difference is that it’s made from natural materials, making it naturally biodegradable. This means that once a bioplastic product has served its purpose as a coffee cup or a piece of cutlery, it’ll degrade into naturally occurring elements like water, carbon dioxide and sugar, leaving barely any trace of its existence at all.

A Greener Solution to Plastic Packaging

From the simple to the sublime, there are more and more reasons to ditch plastic packaging. From biodegradable and compostable bioplastics to basic but brilliant paper and cardboard packaging solutions, it’s easier than ever to play your part in protecting the environment. Put your recycling woes to one side and invest in sustainable solutions today.

Do you want to help save the Earth? Check out our extensive range of revolutionary sustainable packaging for takeaway food and drinks and start helping to protect the planet today.

Christmas Cups – Available for pre-order

Our Christmas cups are now available to pre-order and will be despatched on 20th November.

Printed like a knitted Christmas jumper, these retro coffee cups are a popular choice every year. 

You can order these biodegradable coffee cups in 3 sizes from 8oz-16oz and they come in either red, blue or green (depending on size).

Biodegradable lids ordered separately here.

Taking the plastic out of packaging

As with our regular coffee cups, these double wall cups are an eco-friendly biodegradable option.  Lined with an Ingeo PLA Bioplastic lining, instead of oil-based plastic make these festive cups 100% biodegradable and kind on the environment.

Want to know more about Ingeo PLA Bioplastic?

Ingeo™ PLA Bioplastic is a biodegradable material produced from a naturally occurring substance found in plants. PLA is a thermoplastic with the physical characteristics and performance of plastic. The naturally advanced Ingeo™ resins used in food service have a significantly lower carbon footprint than fossil fuel-based polymers. This is because the manufacturing of Ingeo™ PLA emits fewer greenhouse gasses (GHGs) than the comparable manufacturing of all common petrochemical-based products.

The process of turning plants into bioplastic allows us to exclude non-renewable resources (such as oil) from our eco-friendly product range.

POSITIVE PACKAGING – New branding & website now live

We thought now is the time freshen up our corporate identity to align with our growth and change over the last 20 years.

Today Takeaway Packaging is a leading supplier of takeaway packaging products that are functional, sturdy and versatile.

When you buy from us, you can be sure of the highest quality product without the guilty conscience; All the products on our website have been carefully curated to be plastic free and from sustainable sources.  All the packaging products we source for our online store can either be re-used, recycled, composted, or will naturally decompose after use.

New Concept; Making Packaging Positive

As a business we are striving to provide quality packaging products that don’t damage the environment.  By using as many materials as possible that have already been recycled and can be recycled after use, we are contributing more and more to a circular economy.  We feel our new branding concept and marketing message ‘Making Packaging Positive’ helps us to convey this message.

New Logo

We want to portray our positive, friendly and trustworthy values through our logo and newly branded website.  With the help of our marketing agency, a timeless and robust design has been created for us, using a specific colour pallet; Earth Green, Positive Green and Neutral Sand, which we hope conveys our brand Identity and values nicely.

The scope of our new logo will be seen from across all our online platforms, our product range, redesign to our offices and across our service vehicles.

New Website

Due to Covid 19 the year 2020 will be known as a year of drastic change for many businesses. As we adjust to dealing with the pandemic and the resulting advancement of the digital age, the environmental sacrifices we need to make cannot be forgotten.

The website has had a drastic overhaul embracing key features like a clean, easy to navigate layout, improved search function and better-quality product Images.  By integrating features from B2C eCommerce and using them for our B2B platform, we have enabled a simple and hassle-free shopping experience for all.

New Product Ranges

We are continually sourcing and updating our product range to include the best quality, sustainable packaging that you can buy.  Keep checking back to see what new products are available.

Custom Food Packaging & Branding

Takeaway Packaging continue to provide custom made and bespoke packaging including takeaway cups, ice cream tubs, food boxes, bags and greaseproof paper. Our team are on hand to offer advice on the most environmentally friendly options available to you.

Which Packaging Materials Are Eco-Friendly?
100% reusable recyclable bag

There are plenty of different eco-friendly packaging materials to choose from, whether you’re buying in bulk for your business or trying to be a more conscious consumer.

With so many options, it’s good to know what makes packaging materials eco-friendly and which ones are best for you. As experts in the use of sustainable, biodegradable packaging, we’ll be sharing some handy insights on eco-friendly materials, so you can start doing your bit to save the planet today.

What Are Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials?

Eco-friendly packaging materials are safe and sustainable for people and the environment. They’re manufactured from recycled or renewable materials that are biodegradable and produce little environmental waste.

You might hear other terms, like “sustainable packaging” or “green packaging”, but these terms tend to mean the same thing.

Which Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials Should I Use?

Many different materials can be used for eco-friendly packaging, all with different qualities. Some of the easiest, most efficient and environmentally friendly options are:

Paper and Cardboard –– Natural, readily available, reusable, recyclable and biodegradable — paper and cardboard tick all the boxes! They’re perfect for packing items that need to be posted, as well as all kinds of takeaway food and drinks.

Corn Starch –– Ideal for items that have limited use, such as food and drinks. It can be used to make less harmful packaging “peanuts” that protect items sent through the post. It’s also biodegradable, leaving a limited impact on the environment.

Biodegradable Plastic –– Commonly used in postage envelopes or bubble wrap for bulk mailing, this type of plastic starts to decompose when it’s exposed to sunlight. It makes a good alternative to traditional, non-biodegradable plastics and is more resistant to liquids than paper or cardboard –– great if you need some added durability. 

All of these materials have numerous benefits, from protecting the environment to securing those all-important packages. But what can they do for your business?

The Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials for Businesses

Besides the environmental benefits of eco-friendly packaging materials, other advantages extend to your business and your customers, too:

They’ll improve your brand’s image, attracting more customers, giving everyone a cleaner conscience.

They’ll draw more conscious consumers to your business; a rapidly growing market across all sectors.

They can be reused, saving you money on buying more materials and reducing waste. 

They have more sustainable production, so you can continue to manufacture products while conserving energy and natural resources.

 With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why eco-friendly packaging makes a great choice for your business. You can save money, build a conscious consumer-base and manage your business’ environmental impact by switching to more sustainable packaging.

If you’re a consumer, it can be less simple. How can you find out if your favourite brand is using sustainable processes and materials?

How to Choose Eco-Friendly Products and Services

Whether you’re doing the weekly shop or looking up a new product, there are a few things you should do before making your next purchase:

Look out for certification marks –– Some are well established and easily recognisable, like the Fairtrade mark or the Leaping Bunny logo, but you might not notice others at first glance. Take some time to get acquainted with more eco-friendly certification marks to make sure your next purchase avoids harming people, animals or the environment.

Do some research –– Look up different brands and see if they can back up their claims for being environmentally friendly. “Greenwashing” is sometimes used by manufacturers that want to tap into a more quality-conscious market, without taking steps to be kinder to the environment or their workforce. A simple web search can help you find the truth about a company’s ethics and processes.

Ask yourself, “Could this be more eco-friendly?” –– Consider how much packaging your product comes with and what it’s made of. If you’re buying particular products regularly, think about ways you could be more environmentally friendly, like using zero-waste shops for your regular food shopping or buying from companies that use eco-friendly packaging.

It can be hard to be fully conscious of everything you buy. If you’re ever in doubt, follow these steps to ensure you’re contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly society. With greater awareness of sustainable packaging and recyclable materials, we can all be better friends to our planet.

Takeaway Packing’s Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials

Finding quality, eco-friendly packaging can be difficult. Our mission is to provide non-toxic, biodegradable food packaging that protects the environment. Whether you’re grabbing a coffee or tucking-in to a tasty burger, we can help you be more green.

Let us help your business save money and become more sustainable with your packaging.

Can You Recycle or Reuse Plastic Takeaway Containers?


What should you do with plastic takeaway containers? Find out if they can be recycled, reused safely or if eco-friendly alternatives are better.

People are ordering more takeaways than ever, with the average annual spend per person rising 42% in the past two years. Even as the hospitality industry returns, takeaways still account for a large percentage of total orders, indicating a permanent shift in consumer behaviour.

With such a dramatic change in customers’ preferences, people need to know whether or not it’s safe to reuse plastic food containers and how to dispose of them responsibly.

Can You Reuse Plastic Takeaway Containers? 

If you like getting the most for your money or are conscious of reducing plastic waste, you’ll be wondering what you can do with those plastic containers and lids that so often make their way into our household. They seem perfect for reheating any leftovers or housing other snacks lying around your house, but is it safe to reuse them?

If they’re made of plastic, the answer is NO.

Plastic containers leach harmful chemicals into their contents. When exposed to heat, phthalates — just one of the hazardous chemicals used to form plastic — end up in the very food you’re eating. This happens on a microscopic level and has been linked to serious health conditions, a worrying sign that plastic isn’t a safe option for takeaway outlets.

Anything made from polystyrene can’t be reused either, as it carries a risk of bacterial contamination. Since polystyrene is a porous, plastic-based material, there are plenty of small spaces within the packaging to trap bacteria from food and the environment. 

If you care about the environment, it can be difficult to accept that all we can do is throw away these plastic items. Most of us immediately want to find some alternative use for such items to increase their lifecycle. But, the truth is that reusing plastic takeaway containers will do more harm than good and could directly affect your health.

Can You Recycle Plastic Takeaway Containers? 

Since reusing plastic takeaway containers is out of the question, what about recycling them? This depends on the material they’re made from. Check the packaging to see if there’s a recycling symbol and number on the base of the product, its Resin Identification Code.

Here’s what each of those numbers means:


Number Product Recyclable?
1 PET or PETE Only curbside recycling programs will take these, so long as they’re rinsed and clean of any food. Do not throw in general recycling.
2 HDPE Takeaway containers in this form can be recycled through curbside recycling programs. Film and thinner products can’t be.
3 PVC or V It’s unlikely that this plastic type can be recycled. That said, it’s always worth checking with your local council.
4 LDPE This material isn’t widely recycled unless the store does a return program or your local council has a specialist facility.
5 PP Like PET, these containers can be recycled through curbside recycling programs. Do not throw in general recycling.
6 PS It’s unlikely that this plastic type can be recycled. It can be difficult to dispose of since it’s a foam product.
7 Miscellaneous It’s unlikely that these plastic types are recycled since they have a broad classification. This numbering might refer to plastic film present on takeaways or a small portion of the packaging.

So, not all plastics are created equal. They all require some additional effort to be recycled instead of tossed with general recycling waste. This can be a burden and leads many people to simply throw away their plastic takeaway containers in general waste.

If you want to recycle plastic takeaway containers, make sure they are thoroughly rinsed to remove any food or residue. This is a must for recycling facilities that may fail to accept your items if dirty. Recycle Now suggests using the remains of your soapy dishwater to clean items before disposal, as well as removing any cardboard or paper sleeves. 

What’s a Good Plastic Takeaway Container Alternative?

What’s a Good Plastic Takeaway Container Alternative

You might be thinking that fish and chips wrapped in paper or pizza served in cardboard is a much more environmentally friendly way to eat takeaway food. Unfortunately, the majority of recycling facilities will reject spoiled takeaway containers due to potential contamination. Oil and grease can penetrate these materials and interfere with the recycling process, negatively affecting recycling and contributing to landfill waste.

To combat this issue and improve recycling rates, we’ve developed grease-resistant takeaway containers like our food-grade Kraftware boxes

Here are a few awesome eco-friendly examples:

  • Pizza Boxes — Both compostable and recyclable, these high-quality, super-sustainable boxes can be disposed of responsibly no matter how messy they get. The food-grade Kraft lining helps reduce oil and grease penetration, improving recycling rates, but they can also be composted commercially or at home since they’re totally plastic-free.
    Snack Boxes
  • Snack Boxes — Leak-proof, grease-resistant and stackable, these snack boxes perform incredibly well and make a versatile addition to your kitchen. They’re easy to use and are suitable for hot, cold, wet or dry foods. Best of all, these containers will keep your food fresh and delicious for your customers to enjoy, no matter what kind of culinary delights you’re serving.
    Burger Boxes
  • – Burger Boxes — With a lock-in hinged lid, you can package your patties with ease while protecting the environment. Available in various sizes, you can serve stacked burgers without compromise. They’re also great for freshly-baked cookies and other hot foods that you need to keep fresh.
    Chip Cups
  • – Chip Cups — Whether it’s perfectly cooked halloumi fries, rustic wedges or something else entirely, these chip cups are ideal for delicious finger foods. Made from 90% recycled materials, they’re a handy alternative to polystyrene chip cones.
    Cake Boxes
  • – Cake Boxes — Something for dessert? These cake boxes are ideal for all kinds of sweet treats. With a neat handle, they make small takeaways a lot more convenient for your customers. They also feature a unique, soft-edged design that’s bound to make your takeaway food memorable.


With so many eco-friendly alternatives to standard, not-so-eco-friendly plastic takeaway containers, it’s easy to see why our sustainable packaging is becoming the most popular choice for restaurants, cafés and all manner of food outlets.

Need a Sustainable Alternative to Plastic Takeaway Containers?

We serve some of the biggest names in the British takeaway industry. You can choose from both hot food containers and cold food containers crafted using a range of sustainable materials, all accepted by recycling facilities. Materials such as PLA bioplastic give you all the benefits of plastic — durability, transparency, versatility — without the drawbacks of oil-based plastics. We also sell tougher versions of cardboard, such as unbleached Kraft board boxes and bagasse containers, making our packaging functional, effective and super eco-friendly.

Shop our eco-friendly food packaging and get free delivery on all UK mainland orders. Looking for something extra special? Check out our amazing branded packaging solutions and food labelling stickers to give your street food some street cred.


Shop Now


How to Reduce Your Firm’s Food Packaging Waste?
Office employee with smartphone having lunch at workplace, closeup. Food delivery

With a forced break from the office, most of us are taking the time to reflect on bad business practices — especially those with environmental consequences. 

We’re already shedding light on unnecessary business travel and pollution-promoting commutes. 

But what about office food waste? 

If your staff fridge is always stocked up with snacks and drinks for your team Google-style, it’s time to figure out how to reduce food packaging waste. A fifth of UK waste comes from food packaging with more than 30 per cent of landfill waste being packaging-related. This is sufficient reason to start taking action against the number of containers and bottles we throw out each week. 

Although most of us already have a good recycling system for our team to use, the problem is less about recycling and more about the reduction of packaging as a whole. 

Read on to find eight different ways you can reduce food packaging, without reducing any of the fun that comes from a mid-shift snack. 

  • Monitor food consumption 
  • Hire event caterers  
  • Choose ethical takeout 
  • Support local greengrocers 
  • Buy in bulk 
  • Make cooking fun 
  • Consider remote working  
  • Make your own takeaways

Monitor Food Consumption

The truth is, you might not even realise the amount of food that your firm collectively consumes. 

It’s much easier to gauge how much food you use in a week at home. You’ll need to put more of a conscious effort into figuring out how much food your company truly uses.

To do this, you might want to do a basic stock count at the beginning of the month and compare this with a stock count midway through the month. This will give you an estimate of the rate of consumption and whether your order frequency is too high. 

If you check the use-by date on each item week-by-week, it will instantly become clear if you’re wasting some food items and their packaging in the process. 

This step doesn’t require a change in any aspect of sourcing food — whether it’s from a wholesaler or a recurring supplier — it just forces you to be realistic about the volume of food you need to purchase. Plus, it might allow you to remove items from your order that aren’t favourites amongst your team.

Hire Event Caterers

Want to put on a special lunch spread for your team? Try to steer clear of pre-packaged buffets. Although it can be tempting to buy a commercial lunch in this fashion, the amount of plastic containers and cling film involved isn’t worth it. 

Instead, hiring event caterers who can make trending graze boards, tasty mocktails and request-driven food can be just as affordable and much more bespoke. In doing this, you’re making lunch feel a little more exclusive and interactive than it otherwise would. Plus, the ingredients used in this scenario are likely to be fresh and local. 

After doing some research, you’ll find that most caterers offer corporate packages as standard so you aren’t approaching anyone with a foreign idea. 

Choose Ethical Takeout

Group shot of biodegradable and recyclable food packaging on white background, paper plates, cups, containers, bags, no logos

If your office is in a crowded marketplace like London, there will be plenty of takeaway options vying for your attention. 

Apart from menu quality, you’ll want to learn to judge takeaway providers on their environmental status. Do they serve dishes in flimsy plastic and styrofoam? Or do they sport biodegradable food packaging? Do they deliver by bicycle? Or a less environmental mode of transport? 

These are all pointers to think about to make sure when you’re buying a Friday feast, you’re doing it from a reputable retailer that will help reduce your waste journey.

Support Local Greengrocers

If you’re used to shopping at one of the big six for your staff fridge staples, you might reconsider supporting a local greengrocer that offers package-less produce, as well as refill schemes. 

The ideal when reducing food packaging waste is to pick products with zero packaging or natural packaging.

If you can, only buy loose fruits and vegetables and use refillable jars and tubs to stock up on seed mixes and dried fruits for the canteen. 

Buy in Bulk

If you can’t buy everything from your local greengrocers without packaging — such as cartons of milk and spreads — try to buy these items in bulk. 

Buying larger tubs and bottles results in less packaging overall and often saves on cost. 

Where possible steer away from individually packaged items like juice cartons and carbonated drink cans. Instead, encourage your team to pour drinks from a large container into a glass to save on waste. The same goes for individually packaged snacks like flapjacks or cakes. A local bakery or supermarket will have whole options that can be sliced into portions later.

Make Cooking Fun

Most of us revert to buying takeout food or delivery — after all, we don’t all have time to cook a three-course meal from scratch during our workday. 

However, there are some simple lunch ideas that are feasible to cook — or rather build — at your desk. These include poke bowls, rice wraps and deli boards. For this, you can buy a bunch of fresh ingredients and have more control over the amount of food packaging involved in your meal. 

Cooking can also act as a great team-building activity that’s inclusive and doesn’t require you to source an outside venue. 

Consider Remote Working

A simple way to reduce your firm’s waste is to remove the idea of office-centric work. In remote work, employees are able to work from their home environment and of course, will source their food as part of this. 

While you can’t control the volume of packaging that your employees personally produce, this is a great way to remove reliance on a fully stocked fridge, as well as substantially reduce your operating costs. 
With the rise in remote working during coronavirus, many people are expecting to see remote working as a staple of the future of work. From an environmental perspective, this also removes the need to commute to work, reducing everybody’s carbon footprint.

Make Your Own Takeaways

Can’t get over that feeling of having already prepared options in the fridge? 

Your go-to might be to food prep and make your own takeaways to sit in the staffroom throughout the week. Buy our eco-friendly cold food containers in bulk where you can pre-portion granola and yoghurt pots, salads and cold pasta for any hungry coworker to enjoy. 

We sell deli bowls complete with lids made from 100% compostable and biodegradable material, as well as a whole variety of bagasse containers suitable for finger foods like tacos, sushi and veggie chips. 

Want to try your hand at DIY takeaways? Take the first step to streamlining your food packaging waste by picking up eco-friendly food packaging.

Is Silicone an Eco-Friendly Material?
Is Silicone an Eco-Friendly Material

Is Silicone an Eco-Friendly Material

Is silicone eco-friendly? Find out with Takeaway Packaging — the experts in planet-positive packaging materials for the food industry.

Silicone is a unique and increasingly popular material. You’re guaranteed to own at least a few silicone-based items, from protective phone cases to various bakeware and cookware products. 

It’s flexible, durable, and performs well at different temperatures, meaning it can be kept in the fridge, freezer or oven without changing states. Kitchen utensils made from silicone are less likely to scratch your pan and do a great job smoothing out cake icing and brushing on butter. 

Despite silicone’s exceptional functionality, its environmental properties are being called into question — it might not be the best material for your kitchen.

Related: How to Make Your Home Baking Business Rise 

Is Silicone Eco-Friendly?

Silicone isn’t the most environmentally friendly material on the market. Producing silicone uses hydrocarbons derived from petroleum, which isn’t sustainable. It’s difficult to recycle, and most facilities won’t accept it. With that said, silicone is a suitable alternative to plastic — it’s just not the best.

As a robust material, silicone lasts longer than plastic, and reusing products is an easy way to act more sustainably. This makes silicone a good option for eco-conscious businesses and consumers who want to avoid plastic-based products. Single-use items like plastic bags can be easily replaced by biodegradable food carriers made from recycled paper and cardboard, while silicone is better suited to products that need to be used hundreds of times.

From a safety point of view, silicone is much less likely to cause harm to human health than plastic. Most plastic takeaway containers are created using hazardous chemicals like phthalates, which leach into food and cause innumerable health concerns. When packaging food items, it’s best to stick to natural, plastic-free products made from eco-friendly materials, like Kraft board or bagasse

What Is Silicone? Is It Better Than Plastic?

Let’s back up a moment — what is silicone? Isn’t it a form of plastic? Most people wonder what silicone is made of. It replicates plastic in terms of strength, application and texture, but its chemical composition is different.

Silicone is actually made from silica — a substance found in sand. It’s what makes silicone so durable and able to withstand extreme temperatures. If you have a silicone product in your kitchen, it can be kept in sub-zero temperatures inside your freezer and withstand temperatures up to around 200ºC in the oven. Silicone won’t melt, contort or contaminate its contents, unlike most plastics.

But, the production of silicone isn’t necessarily superior to plastic. Resources such as petroleum are burnt to create the substance, with numerous negative environmental consequences.

Is Silicone Biodegradable?

Silicone isn’t biodegradable, but it’s less likely to break down and be discarded than plastic. With silicone, you get more use than you do with plastic. You can use silicone items many more times than plastic-based products without scratching, discolouring or breaking it. The result is fewer materials are thrown out, creating less waste. This has a net-positive effect on the environment by reducing plastic pollution, but make no mistake, silicone still contributes to numerous environmental issues. 

Are There Any Silicone Alternatives?

Since silicone has a few environmental disadvantages, it’s not the perfect material in all applications. Bioplastics such as polylactic acid (PLA) have similar properties to silicone and can be used in food packaging. 

Plus, bioplastics have several key environmental advantages: 

– Made from Natural Resources — Bioplastics are made by converting the sugar present in corn, sugar cane, wheat or potatoes. The result? A plant-based plastic that’s much better for the environment than oil-based plastics.

– Sustainable and Renewable — As long as there are crops, bioplastic can be created. The manufacturing process is much more sustainable than producing plastic or silicone, making it an excellent renewable material.

– Compostable and Biodegradable — Bioplastic is just one of the materials used to create our eco-friendly cutlery. These products will naturally degrade in a much shorter time frame than plastics or silicone, meaning they won’t clog up landfills or contribute to plastic pollution to the same extent.

At home, the only other alternative to silicone is glass. Glass boasts the same benefits as silicone, avoiding chemical contamination and withstanding extreme temperatures, but it’s highly recyclable. While glass is fragile, many individuals find glass containers useful since they’re less prone to everyday wear and tear.

Should You Use Silicone Products at All?

With so many household items posing an environmental threat, picking the right products isn’t straightforward. Like the debate over plastic bags, people must pick the lesser of two evils — cotton has a complex manufacturing process, but tote bags have a much longer lifespan and better biodegradable qualities than plastic carriers.

When considering food preparation, transportation and storage, different materials have different roles. In food preparation, silicone products make sense, as they’ll be used hundreds of times to create delicious dishes people will savour. 

For transportation and food storage, maintaining freshness and preventing food waste is key. Here, businesses and consumers should avoid plastic wherever possible to preserve perishable items. Glass is a good option for storing food at home, but for food outlets, eco-friendly takeaway packaging is the most effective and sustainable option.

Looking for more eco-friendly packaging materials? Visit our online shop and discover planet-friendly products made from natural materials that won’t harm the planet. Need a branded solution? Get a free design quote from our in-house team today.

Growth within the fast food industry blog

Following the growth of the fast food industry over the last three years, it’s expected to be worth a whopping £9.8bn by 2021.  With over 26 thousand independent fast food outlets already operating throughout the UK, research firm MCA Insight confirm fast food dominates service led restaurants and they predict the foodservice delivery market will soon outperform the overall UK eating out market, with further substantial growth opportunities. 

We can already see established restaurants chains such as Nando’s and Zizzi now offering customers food delivery and businesses like Deliveroo extending their services to a wider range of foodservice establishments.


The fast food market or quick service restaurants (QSR) are defined by having limited to no table service, that prepare to serve food immediately.  Although big brands such as McDonalds are still among the major competitors, takeaway food outlets including bakeries, café’s and food vans are all included, with the number of independent outlets far outweighing the branded restaurants.


With the highest concentration of fast food outlets on UK high streets in a decade, and today’s consumer more eco conscious than ever, the packaging used to serve up takeaway or delivery food, will be under scrutiny from the consumer. 

There have been many surveys confirming this, one such survey was carried out by Waitrose & Partners after BBC One’s episode of Blue Planet showing consumers the effect of plastic on the environment.  Waitrose research suggested that after watching the documentary a staggering 88% of people changed their behaviour towards single-use plastic consumption.  Today we are even more aware of the negative impact single use plastics have on our environment, and very few of us ignore it.  This means consumers are actively trying to avoid buying products that use plastic where possible and are checking how they can dispose of the packaging before product purchase.

Regardless of whether you’re offering to deliver a delicious pizza, dishing up take-outs from a bakery or serving up nutritious vegan food on the go, the packaging you use will say a lot about your business and has the potential to affect repeat business and future sales.


With the growing interest to remove plastic single use packaging, the takeaway food packaging industry has seen a steep increase in the number of eco-friendly products available, with new types of biodegradable, compostable and recyclable food and drink containers coming into the market all the time.  At Takeaway Packaging we have heavily invested in sourcing some of the best products available, these include packaging made from bioplastics, cardboard and even sugar cane pulp!


Cardboard is still one of the most used materials for food packaging due to its sustainability and recycling options.  We stock many cardboard based food boxes and containers that can at the very least be recycled or even better, will biodegrade and de-compose. We have lots of options, suitable for hot or cold food.


Food containers made from Sugarcane Bagasse make the ideal eco-friendly fast food vessel.  As well as being compostable and quick to biodegradable it’s also an environmentally sustainable option.

Sugarcane bagasse is the fibre that remains after the sugars have been extracted from sugarcane stalks.  Rather than discarding or burning the stalks, the pulp is made into a paper-like substance called Bagasse.  Bagasse can be moulded into shapes and products that are perfect for the food industry.  At Takeaway Packaging we stock a large range of plates, bowls, trays and containers all of which are microwave and refrigerator safe. 


Sometimes plastic-like packaging is favoured by manufacturers and suppliers, it’s cheap, easy to use and at times safer than glass.  That’s why we offer bioplastic solutions – Bioplastics don’t have such a negative impact on the environment as traditional plastics.  The product range we offer, which includes clear smoothie cups, bowls and food tray lids are made from Ingeo Bioplastic Polylactic acid (PLA) which is a plant-based renewable material with an 80% lower carbon footprint than traditional oil-based plastic.  This material is also 100% compostable and biodegradable.


Another area we have seen an increase in, due it it’s environmental impact (or rather lack of) are paper bags.  Using less material than some other forms of food packaging, paper bags are a low cost, eco-friendly way to take out food, making them perfect for fast-food and takeaway outlets. 

As with most of the packaging we offer, paper bags are an ideal way to show of your brand by opting to have them personalised and printed.

You can shop for the full range of our eco-packaging here

Are you ready for the plastic straw ban in April 2020?
eco-friendly plastic straw ban paper and bioplastic straws header

From April 2020 the government are rolling out a scheme to ban plastic straws, drinks stirrers and plastic stem cotton buds in England, so if you haven’t already ditched plastic straws in favour of a more eco-friendly alternative, then now is the time to do it.

How Much Pollution Do Plastic Straws, Drink Stirrers and Cotton Buds Really Create?

It’s estimated we throw away 8.5 billion straws every year in the UK.  The Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean 2017 found cotton bud sticks to be the 8th most frequently counted litter item on UK beaches and straws/cutlery as the 10th. 

Unfortunately, these items do tend to be discarded irresponsibly via flushing in the case of cotton buds or by littering.  Either way, plastic straws can take up to 200 years to decompose.  Staggering to think a product that is used just once for such a brief moment in time, will be around long after our lifetime causing damage to our wildlife and our planet.

It is encouraging to see however that research carried out by MPA, shows that the public passionately support the ban with 83% of respondents unsurprisingly voting in favour of the move.

Who Else is Banning Plastic Straws?

The wave of plastic straw bans and the replacement with paper straws has taken hold over recent years, with the UK Government slow to make the move.  Many food chains have already taken it upon themselves to move to more eco-friendly options; All Bar One started to replace their 4.7 million plastic drinking straws in 2017 with eco-friendly alternatives.  Weatherspoons stopped using plastic straws in 2018.  McDonalds have already completed their roll out to ban plastic straws and Starbucks already pledged to phase out plastic straws completely by 2020.

Plastic straw bans are already sweeping the US in states such as California and Seattle, so why has it taken the UK so long to follow suit?  Although the environmental issues surrounding plastic straws are obvious, straw pollution comprises of just 0.025 percent of the 8 million tons of plastic that flow into our oceans every year.

The opinion of environmentalists is that although prohibiting plastic straws alone won’t dramatically change much, it is it’s an import step to a larger well needed change in future behaviour.

The History of The Straw

Isn’t it funny how things in the world tend to go full circle over time?  The first straw to be patented in 1888 was based on paper wrapped around a pencil and glued together, this led to the mass production of straight paper straws by 1890 with the bendable paper straw invented some 40 years later.

It wasn’t until the 1960’s that it was discovered that straws could be made more economically and with more durability from plastic, which quickly went into mass production.

Paper Straws and Bio Plastic Straw Alternatives

At Takeaway Packaging, we stock the obvious and widely used paper straw option, which can be purchased in an abundance of colours, styles and sizes.

If a paper straw doesn’t float your boat, we also stock many biodegradable straws made from Ingeo PLA.  These are lightweight options that look very much like a plastic straw, while being eco-friendly.  PLA straws have the physical appearance of plastic but are made from bioplastic, which is 100% biodegradable and commercially compostable.

You can visit our shop to buy eco-friendly straws here

How Much Plastic Packaging Is Made Each Year? These Stats Will Scare You
how much plastic packaging is made each year

According to National Geographic, 18 billion pounds of plastics spill into our oceans every year from coastal areas worldwide. 

Think about the amount of plastic you consume as an individual. Now think about that amount multiplied by every person in your city, district and country — not to mention the global plastic consumption of the entire world.

When we pick up a bottle of water to drink or a punnet of raspberries to eat, we rarely stop to ponder just how damaging these quick lunchtime fixes are to the planet. Today, it’s time to face facts as we show you just how much plastic packaging is made annually, via some of the best sources for statistics on the web.

Here are five of our favourite online resources that show the reality of plastic packaging waste. After reading about them, you can visit the pages for yourself to get clued up on the amount of plastic we generate and use every year.

Eurostat — Packaging Waste Statistics

If you simply Google the question, “how much plastic packaging is made every year?” Eurostat will come out on top. The data website states that per inhabitant, 169.7kg of packaging waste was generated in 2016. Comparatively, only 114kg was ultimately recycled, leaving 55.7kg of packaging unaccounted for. If we take this data and apply it to the UK (which has a population of around 66 million people in 2020), you can only begin to imagine what the total packaging waste would equate to.

If you want to review how waste was generated, recovered and recycled since 2007, you can do so by viewing Eurostat’s interactive graph.

It’s worth noting this data only refers to European Union countries, meaning packaging waste per person could be much higher in other parts of the world — such as in the United States. Plus, packaging waste is surveyed generally, not just in terms of plastic.

Read Eurostat’s Packaging Waste Statistics

Plastic Oceans — the Facts

As you can imagine, plastic pollution is something this environmental organisation is passionate about abolishing for good. Their page full of facts about plastic waste and plastic production is a great resource if you’re looking to learn about how waste packaging impacts marine life.

Perhaps one of the most shocking statistics is this: “More than 8 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year.” Although this doesn’t necessarily tell us just how much packaging is created each year, it does give us an insight into the poor waste management of plastic waste and just how little plastic is successfully recycled.

As we know, recycling plastic is difficult due to its durability and chemical make-up. This is true of particularly brittle plastics used to create plastic bottles and plastic bags. As such, Plastic Oceans has collected a whole host of statistics on plastic bottles, highlighting why this specific product is a huge issue. Here are some of the most impactful statistics shown on their page:

  • Over 100 billion bottles were sold in the United States in 2014. Per person, this equals around 315 bottles on most days of the year.
  • Nearly 15% of all waste comes from this product, making it one of the most short-lived and dangerously disposed of items.

Plastic Ocean’s facts haven’t gone unnoticed. Since this webpage was published, we’ve seen a huge rise in drinking bottles made of alternative materials such as aluminium and metal. Plus, we saw a ban on plastic bags in several countries and taxation on products like this in others.

Read Plastic Ocean’s The Facts 

Eurostat — How Much Plastic Packaging Waste Do You Produce?

Eurostat has produced more than one striking piece of data to shed light on the plastic pollution crisis. As well as posting the aforementioned graph on EU waste, Eurostat published an interactive asset on the circular economy showing plastic packaging’s journey from creation to eventual disposal. This striking visual of waste management and plastic’s short lifecycle is a great way to help others visualise their role in plastic pollution, as well as learn how plastic interacts with the atmosphere — before and after you come into contact with it.

At the start of their interactive asset, Eurostat sums up the weight of the plastic problem by claiming in an average year, the EU alone generates 15.8 million tonnes of plastic packaging. The study also forewarns us that even though some countries tend to produce more plastic waste than others, every EU Member state has steadily increased their plastic consumption over the last decade. Being upfront about scary stats like this makes plastic pollution a shared responsibly, keeping us all accountable for our own waste management and recycling activities.

There are gems to be found everywhere in this data set — but we found it particularly useful to see how plastic packaging stacks up against different types of packaging in the asset’s waste management section. For example, plastic packaging products are only recycled 41.9% of the time, compared to overall packaging products, which are recycled around 70% of the time. We think this type of graph offers up a solution, rather than solely focusing on the problem. Clearly, to wipe out plastic pollution, we must look at the benefits of using another material that is more widely recycled.

The whole purpose of the data is to prove we should be working towards a circular economy — as opposed to a linear supply chain — where the value of products is continually recycled. The result is that waste is reused and there is less reliance on single-use products that likely end up in our oceans.

Read Eurostat’s How Much Plastic Packaging Waste Do You Produce? 

Our World in Data — FAQs on Plastics

As the publication’s name suggests, Our World in Data is an impartial data website that publishes statistics on anything and everything. In this FAQ, the focus is on plastics.

This page is packed with data (as you’d expect) yet it is straightforward to navigate. The first section tells you everything you need to know about global plastic production. To sum it up:

  • The world produced 2 million tonnes of plastic in 1950, which has now risen to 381 million tonnes
  • Plastic waste per person usually correlates with a country’s income. If the national income is high, so is the amount of plastic consumed per person in that country
  • Poor waste management seems to stem from low-income coastal countries

Although this piece seems to answer our questions quite early on, the knowledge you can gain from this resource just keeps on giving. There are questions about plastic production, the effect plastic has on our oceans and about domestic plastic recycling.

Read Our World in Data’s FAQ on Plastics

National Geographic – Facts about Plastic Pollution

If you’re looking for something a bit more visual, National Geographic has produced a design-focused page full of facts about plastic. The material was first published in 2018 but was updated recently, ensuring all the information is up to date.

We like that these graphics provide a global overview, stating 18 billion pounds of plastics spill into the oceans every year from coastal areas worldwide. This global plastic stat shows the true extent of the plastic problem and how plastics in our oceans, in particular, affect wildlife.

The resource even includes how much plastic production is attributed to packaging, highlighting that a whopping 40% of plastics are used within packaging development. This stat is even more shocking when we think of how plastic isn’t a necessary material in packaging production.

Brands like Takeaway Packaging are committed to finding innovative ways to protect our environment through the packaging materials we use.

Read National Geographic’s Facts about Plastic Pollution

Don’t forget after you’ve finished reading all about plastics, it’s time to take some action. Browse our sustainable shop of packaging products that produce zero plastic waste.

Does Plastic Biodegrade? The Surprisingly Simple Science behind Bioplastics
does plastic biodegrade

The Plastic Crisis 

We won’t harp on about the planet’s plastic crisis for too long. We’ve covered this topic before in-depth. Plenty of environmental experts, with a much more comprehensive overview, have also had their say.   Annie Leonard’s, Our Plastic Pollution Crisis is Too Big For Recycling to Fix is just one view. 

We are spitting out plastic waste at a rate faster than the environment can process. As a result, landfills overrun with plastic unlikely to disintegrate within our lifetime. Plenty of solutions to the plastic crisis have come to market. But none are quite as effective as the introduction of bioplastics.

 As a business, bioplastics require you to reassess your supply chain. As a consumer, you should understand why (or even if) you should be using bioplastics, over harmful chemical-filled alternatives. 

What Is Bioplastic? 

Unlike traditional plastic types, bioplastic is created using natural resources. So, anything labelled as “bioplastic” is likely formed from plants or biological materials, instead of standard petroleum. 

We use bioplastics in some of our core product ranges, including our well-loved deli eco bowls

Just like plastic, these containers can store hot and cold food. Plus, they’re transparent so customers can take a sneak peek of the delicious food lurking inside. 

There are a few different types of bioplastics, but the most common is PLA – a substance made from polylactic acids. 

We make PLA using plant extracts from corn and sugarcane. These extracts come from leftover waste materials from plants harvested for alternative uses like making sugar. This waste would usually be incinerated. Instead, we convert it into polylactic acids that mimic the positive characteristics of plastic. 

We’re left with food containers that are durable, flexible and transparent. Since PLA bioplastics are the cheapest to produce, they’re also an affordable price for corporate customers and the end customer. 

In terms of the environment, bioplastics are far superior to other,  harmful plastic types used in food packaging such as polystyrene. Why? Well, bioplastics only equalise the carbon conserved by the original plant. Artificial plastics contribute excess carbon to the atmosphere in the disposal process. Bioplastics return the carbon taken from the original plant life. 

What Happens after Use? Does Plastic Biodegrade? 

Commercial customers must be responsible for their disposal of bioplastics. Regular consumers should also be aware of bioplastics waste-credentials and how they can maximise them after use. 

Remember, bioplastics are compostable —  but only commercially compostable. They aren’t, however, actually biodegradable. This means bioplastics need to be carefully recycled to fulfil their environmental benefit. 

If a bioplastic is littered, reaches the ocean and become debris, it will be no more beneficial than a regular plastic-type. Both bioplastics and petroleum-based plastics will breakdown into microplastics, tiny fragments of material harmful to marine life and human health. Microplastics take years to biodegrade. 

However, bioplastics are created naturally and you can discard them in the same way. Since bioplastic polymers don’t form artificially, they can be broken down and effectively reversed by something as simple as heat. When bioplastics are heated to a high enough temperature, they break down. The intense heat allows the microbes to successfully disintegrate, dramatically reducing the average lifecycle of a bioplastic food container. It’s far from rocket science. 

What’s crucial when it comes to bioplastics is where they end up. Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), Rhodes Yepsen told National Geographic: “Landfills are tombs. We are preserving garbage. That makes no sense.” 

To Yepsen, dealing with garbage is key. Transporting bioplastics quickly, to an industrial composting unit is imperative for the safety of our planet. 

Should I Use Bioplastics? 

If you’re a commercial business owner, bioplastics are a smart alternative to petroleum-based plastic. Yes, you should use bioplastics. 

Bioplastics should be used where possible to limit the number of microplastics that reach the ocean and reduce the amount of trash in overflowing landfills. 

Importantly, bioplastics should be disposed of correctly so they can fulfil their environmental promise. Suppliers, companies and governing bodies should work to educate the end consumer on how to dispose of bioplastics — in a separate dedicated waste area. 

Become a bioplastic provider. We’ve got plenty of PLA products to choose from in our guilt-free online shop.

What Do Companies Mean When They Say Something Is Biodegradable and Compostable?
biodegradable and compostable

Consumers are becoming more aware of why they should be making environmental choices. The issue is — they’re just not quite sure of how to make those choices. Often, customers will blindly make the wrong choice while trying to do the right thing. Buying a cotton tote, for example, is easily the worst replacement for a plastic bag although most people wouldn’t have guessed it. 

The intricacies of environmental choices are continually reported on in our sustainable packaging blog. But today, we’ll just be covering some of the basics. What do companies mean when they say something is biodegradable and compostable? Are these words of wisdom are all too common adjectives? 

What Is Biodegradable? 

If something is biodegradable, it will eventually break down — or biodegrade — into natural elements. To do this, biodegradable items have to go through a biological process. Technically, if something is biodegradable, this process should take no longer than twelve months. However, materials such as oil-based plastic are biodegradable but can last in the environment for a lifetime. That’s why you’ll need to be careful when you consider products labelled as “biodegradable.” Crucially, what matters is how long it takes for something to biodegrade. 

As well as the length of time it will take for a product to return to its original elements, you’ll also need to consider the actual biodegradation process. Although the word “biodegradable” has a pretty good reputation, in reality, a biodegradation process can be less than pretty. In fact, breaking down materials such as plastic can be downright ugly. 

Given enough time, plastic will break down to its original format – carbon dioxide, water and a few other natural elements. But depending on where biodegradation takes place, the process might first involve breaking down the plastic into smaller plastic fragments named microplastics.  These tiny plastic pieces are extremely harmful to wildlife and as they enter the food chain, they also pose a health risk to humans.  

The next time you hear something is biodegradable, ask yourself, “how long will it take to biodegrade?” Even better, try to choose products from companies with transparent information on the topic. Remember, as a customer, part of the waste responsibility lies with you. If a plastic bottle is correctly recycled, it should reach a facility with prime conditions for biodegradation. If the same plastic bottle is littered, it’s more likely to stay in the environment longer, eventually reaching animal habitats like the ocean. 

What Is Compostable? 

You might have heard of a compost bin or a compost heap where organic waste collects before reuse as fertiliser for plants. If you’re familiar with this process, it won’t take much more than common sense to get clued up about composting. 

The term “compostable” refers to natural products that can be broken down to organic matter. This organic matter is superior to products that are only biodegradable as the result provides the earth with key nutrients. Composting your leftover fruit peel and veggie waste is a great idea if you want to grow a healthy, green garden. 

However, bear in mind that the composting process requires specific conditions such as optimal light, wind and sun. For example, if conditions are too cold, waste will be preserved rather than decomposed. This is great news for preventing mould on bread by sticking it in the freezer — but not so good if you want to try composting in the winter. 

If you’re eyeing up a product with the word “compostable” on the packaging, you’ll need to be aware of one more thing. There is a difference between composting at home and commercial composting. And if a product is labelled compostable, it’s usually referring to commercial composting rather than home waste. For a commercially compostable product to break down in the same way, it will need to be disposed of correctly, so it reaches an industrial facility. Just as oil-based plastic bottles can be a danger to wildlife during the biodegradation process, bioplastics — which are known as a safer alternative to oil-based packaging — can also be harmful when in the wrong hands. 

We use PLA bioplastic in our clear packaging options like our delicious deli bowls and we try to be as transparent as possible about it. PLA bioplastics are superior alternatives to plastics as they are commercially compostable and so easier to recycle. Intense heat can help a bioplastic substance to quickly compost. This process will happen in a commercial composting centre. If disposed of correctly bioplastic water bottles — and other bioplastic packaging — can be broken down in a matter of days. Unfortunately, if bioplastics are disposed of incorrectly or littered, they will be just as harmful as oil-based plastics during the biodegradation process. Bioplastics can still form microplastics and will take a certain amount of time to decompose without the help of a controlled environment such as a high temperature. 

What’s the Difference? 

If biodegradable and compostable both sound scarily similar to you, that’s because they are. The key difference is that compostable products require a specific setting to decompose. Biodegradable products do the same job — but as part of a natural process. So biodegradable products are easily managed in a landfill whereas compostable products will clog up municipal waste. 

In fact, composting is just an enhanced form of biodegradation, where environments are manipulated to reduce waste. The similarities between the two terms mean a product can be biodegradable and compostable — and that a biodegradable and compostable product is also inherently recyclable. 

The key thing to remember is don’t take the labels “compostable” and “biodegradable” at face value.  Always check instructions to see how packaging and products should be disposed of correctly, as well as digging a little deeper to find out about the lifecycle of a product. After all, a biodegradable product that takes 5,000 years to waste away isn’t helping anyone.

As a consumer, it’s important to do your research and be picky about the brands you choose to spend your money on. Learn more about our sustainable products by visiting our online shop

The Recycling Sign on Packaging, Explained
The Recycling Sign on Packaging, Explained

Younger generations are less likely to recycle than their elders. Why? The majority — 30% of 2,000 people surveyed across Britain — don’t know how to recycle, which puts them off even attempting. 

Knowledge is power. That’s why we’ve explained all you need to know to begin recycling responsibly (in less than 1,000 words). 

What Is the Recycle Sign on Packaging? 

The recycling sign on packaging is a widely recognised symbol that displays three green arrows poised to form a circle. You’ll see this sign plastered on plenty of products, usually on a care label or on the rear of a packet. Products originating from the UK will sport Recycle Now’s logo, which is a simpler circular arrow. 

You can visit the Recycle Now website for further information on individual recycling signs, such as widely recycled labels and check local labels. Don’t have time? Here’s a quick overview: 

Widely Recycled

There’s a good chance recycling facilities will accept packaging with this logo. For a product’s packaging to be granted this term, 75% or more local authorities across the UK must accept the materials. Watch out for different variations of the “Widely Recycled” sticker as they give you important instructions about how to prepare the packaging for commercial disposal. These instructions are crucial as they help ensure that the packaging is deemed fit to enter the recycling centre and that it will support sanitary conditions for centre workers. The most common example is rinsing out food packaging, so it doesn’t attract vermin or leak onto other materials. 

Check Local 

Products classed as “Check Local” are risky business, as whether or not they can be recycled depends on the area in which you live. To be categorised as a “Check Local” product, 20–75% of local authorities across the UK must accept the material composition. Think unusual items that might need a special area for disposal. For example, some types of plastic — such as bioplastic —packaging requires specialised disposal facilities.  

Not yet Recycled

This self-explanatory label is the worst in terms of waste. However, it doesn’t mean these products are not yet recycled everywhere. The sign is awarded to products where less than 20% of local authorities in the UK currently accept the material for recycling. It’s probably best to avoid products with this signage but if you’re tempted, check your local disposal options to find out if you can get away with it. 

Pesky Plastics 

Things can get confusing when it comes to plastic,  the environmentalist’s most-hated material due to its detrimental effect on the planet. Despite its destructive powers, we still use plastic en masse — for containers, temporary drinking bottles, Christmas decorations and everything in between. Sigh. 

That’s not the only thing that doesn’t make sense. The recycling signs on plastic packaging are also pretty perplexing. This chart [originally posted by] solves the issue. Forget the endless partnerships of triangles, numbers and acronyms and follow these simple instructions:  

recycle sign on packaging

Source: The Huffington Post  

Other Stuff 

There are some wild cards when it comes to recycling — especially if you’re disposing of electrical equipment. If you see a sign that doesn’t look like the official “Widely Recycled” label, it’s best to do your research before making any assumptions.   

Why Is the Recycling Sign on Packaging Important? 

This visual demonstrates the “reuse, reduce and recycle” mantra in line with the sign’s overarching meaning — that the packaging can be environmentally disposed of and is likely to have a continual lifecycle (rather than landing in a nasty landfill after single-use).

It’s important to check recycling signs on packaging prior and post-purchase: 

Prior to Purchase — Try to avoid “Not Yet Recycled” products at all costs and discover new alternatives. If something is labelled “Check Local” use the Recycle Now webpage to find out about your local council. This website is pretty much your environmental bible. 

Post-Purchase — After you’ve enjoyed the contents, it’s time to check the packaging’s recycling directions. In most cases, you’ll need to rinse the packaging out to make sure it’s sanitary for transportation and disposal. Sometimes you’ll need to leave the lid on the product or remove the sleeve. 

If we don’t bother to recycle — and do it correctly — we’ll be left with overflowing landfills,  a horrifying thought that’s predicted to become a reality as early as 2022 if we continue to slack on the segregation of trash. 

Be part of the solution. Switch to sustainable food packaging without compromising on style. Browse our online shop, built for conscious brands.

What is the UK doing to prevent plastic waste?

Together as a country we will have to make changes to our everyday life in order to cut down the amount of plastic waste. The government has launched consultations to overhaul the waste system, cut plastic pollution, and move towards a more circular economy:

  • Packaging producers set to pay the full cost of dealing with their waste, more consistent household recycling, and a Deposit Return Scheme for cans and bottles, subject to consultation.
  • Consultation also launched for a world-leading tax on plastic packaging which does not meet a minimum threshold of at least 30% recycled content.
  • New analysis published shows the net benefit to UK economy will run into millions.
  • Plans for a major overhaul of the country’s waste system have been set out in a suite of consultations launched today by Environment Secretary Michael Gove.

A report from 2016 covered all producing sectors, not just household waste. In that year an estimated 1.53 million tonnes of plastic waste were reported. This was up by 24% since 2010 and 13% since 2014. The service sector was the largest single contributor with 53% and households contributed just over 8%. This data is based on waste streams that are categorised as ‘plastics wastes’(only) and exclude the plastic content of other mixed waste streams such as the general ‘Households and similar wastes’ stream.

These changes will make a huge difference in the world atmosphere, but we can’t just stop there. Here at Takeaway Packaging, we aim to covert our customers over from plastic to eco-friendly options. Our products are lined with PLA Bioplastic is a biodegradable material produced from natural occurring substances found in plants. PLA is a thermoplastic with the physical characteristics and performance of plastic. The naturally advanced Ingeo™ resins used in food service have a significantly lower carbon footprint than fossil fuel-based polymers. This is because the manufacturing of Ingeo™ PLA emits fewer greenhouse gasses (GHGs) than the comparable manufacturing of all common petrochemical-based products. So, head over to our online shop and check out the biodegradable options.

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The importance of Eco-Friendly Packaging

We all know the meaning of eco-friendly packaging, but the importance is a little vague, so let us clear it up for you. There are many reasons as to why eco-friendly products are the way forward. With pollution and sustainability being the main issues, we need to take a stand.

Environmental Problems:

This is one major concern we face today. It can be related to cutting down trees, limiting supplies and exploitation of natural resources. Pollution is a very common problem which we are all aware of. The main cause of pollution is smoke omitted from cars, factories and industries. However, the water, air and land pollution sadly have a big affect as well.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Eco-friendly products are a step in the right direction, if we all do our part to help the planet – it will improve the environment and in return we will have a clear atmosphere.


The main aspect of going eco-friendly is all about sustainability. Since the world is breaking down with pollution and toxic amounts of materials, making sustainable products is the best option. Decreasing the number of products that are purchased is not only a good way to reduce the amount of pollution but the amount of waste. So, using multiple use item will decrease the amount of waste that each household and business uses.

Business Benefits:

Larger businesses in the UK now have to include full information about their carbon emissions in annual reports, which puts more pressure on them to reduce energy, water and other fuel consumption. Buying your packaging from Takeaway Packaging is a huge way to reduce carbon emission.

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Takeaway Packaging Stock Cups & Bowls

Head over to our Online Shop and take a look at our new Eco Tubs and Ripple Cups, both of which are fully biodegradable and compostable. There are bio and recycled lids available for these new products.

Eco Tubs:

Our range of Eco Tub range are perfect for food vendors as they are suitable for hot and cold foods. The natural Kraft paper that these pots are produced with gives a rustic yet modern look. These bowls are compostable, recyclable and biodegradable, making them ideal for environmentally conscious brands looking to lower their carbon footprint. Lids are sold separately. These bowls are wider than our Ecobowls making them perfect for dishes with a little more to show!

These Eco Tubs are available in three sizes, 500ml, 750ml and 1000ml with 150mm rPET lid that fits them all. This lid is not compostable but it can be recycled as it is made from recycled plastic.

Our compostable paper products are lined with the sustainable Ingeo™ PLA, a biodegradable coating produced from a substance that naturally occurs in plants. Not only is Ingeo™ PLA fully compostable, it has a significantly lower carbon footprint than plastic based alternatives.


  • Suitable for hot food
  • Biodegradable & compostable
  • Leak & Greaseproof

Kraft Ripple Eco Cup:

Our ripple Coffee Cup range is very popular, and essentially a triple wall cup. These cups have our eco-friendly message of ‘Taking the plastic out of packaging’ printed on the cup with plant based ink. They also aid in spreading the word about compostable packaging and converting plastic packaging users over to environmentally friendly alternatives.

Printed with ‘This cup is made from plants and is 100% biodegradable, compostable and recyclable’, these cups are sure to send a clear message to consumers that this is a sustainable food packaging product.

Cups are boxed in 500s and are available in sizes three sizes, 8oz, 12oz & 16oz. These cups can be partnered with our Biodegradable Coffee Cup Lids sold separately. There is an 80mm lid for 8oz and a 90mm for 12oz and 16oz.


  • Suitable for hot and cold food
  • Biodegradable & compostable
  • Triple Wall appearance

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All you need to know about eco-friendly packaging

You may have noticed that plastic packaging has been in the news recently and some products have even been banned. Many retailers like Co-op and Tesco have publicly spoken about their efforts to reduce plastic in their packaging. These are not the only retailers that want to make changes, we have seen a huge increase in the number of requests for more eco-friendly packaging.

When it comes to eco-friendly packaging it can be hard to understand what the best material is to use, along with what goes where and how long things take to break down. So, let us break it down for you.


Recycling is the process of converting used materials into something new, this keeps them from being dumped in a landfill. However, there is only a certain number of times you can recycle a product. For example, plastic and paper can only be recycled a few times before it becomes unusable, whereas others such as glass, metal and aluminium can be recycled endlessly.

Over 37% of people admit they don’t always know if a product can be recycled or not. A recent study shows that 2/3rds of people recycle as often as they can however most feel they have put them in the incorrect bins or containers.

Retailers and manufacturers can help customers by including clearer recycling information on their packaging or switch to reusable packaging like boxes and mailing bags that can be used for exchanges and returns.


When something is biodegradable it means it can be broken down naturally by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi under the correct temperatures. It is hard to say how long products will take to break down. However biodegradable plastics take around three to six months to fully decompose – compared to the many years plastics can take. You can already see why eco-friendly is a better option.

Some plastics such as biodegradable bags require specific conditions to break down and may cause harmful greenhouse emissions when left in a landfill. So, when recycling please take care into where you place different products.


Compostable products are made from natural materials such as plants,  and decompose fully into “compost” without producing toxic residue as they break down. To be classed as a compostable product you must meet all the requirements defined in The European Standard EN 13432.

Hopefully this has helped you establish the difference between eco-friendly packaging, and non eco-friendly packaging. Head over to our website and take a look at which eco friendly products we hold in stock.

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