10 Facts About Coffee: UK Coffee Week 2018

To continue celebrating UK Coffee Week, we’ve compiled our top 10 global coffee facts! Let us know what you think.

  1. Coffee is the second most traded commodity globally. There are around 25 million farmers around the world producing coffee.
  2. Shepherds in Ethiopia discovered coffee in circa 800 A.D.
  3. There are two different types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is the most popular. Robusta is slightly more bitter and has twice as much caffeine.
  4. 80% of people who visit coffee shops in the UK do so at least once a week.
  5. It takes around 42 coffee beans to make an espresso
  6. In the UK, we drink around 95 million cups of coffee every day. Two billion cups of coffee are consumed globally per day.
  7. South and Central America produce around two thirds of the world’s coffee supply.
  8. The official International Coffee Day falls on the 1st of October.
  9. Coffee was first known in Europe as ‘Arabian Wine’
  10. The Netherlands is the world’s largest (per capita) consumer of coffee, averaging 2.4 cups of coffee per person, per day.

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